ive been around since 2012.
Still you claimed that one could spread their balance over 100,000 wallets and then stake 100,000 times that often.
This is not how it works. A PoS working like this would indeed be pretty stupid and would be exploited as soon as the coin implementing this launched.
You wont get selected more often, because the selection is not just random but random with a probability factor that's determined by your wallet's weight.
1000 coins get selected more often than 0.001 coins, at the end of the day it doesn't matter if the balance of 1000 coins you own sits in one wallet with just one address or fractions of it in 1000 wallets with 1000 addresses.
seems your not reading your own words...
your revealing the flaw while trying to debunk the same flaw.. lol
say the stake is 0.001 minimum
i have 10,000 coins
i can spread my coins over 1000 addresses
meaning each address has 10coins.
now do you think my stakes will get chosen more often than a person with just 0.001
go on be honest. how often will i win compared to a person with only 0.001
think about it 1001 possible 'forgers' 1 with 0.001 at stake and 1000 with 10 coins at stake.
so it not only by having 10 coins vs 0.001 solves the 'weight' part.
but the 1000 also gives me 99,99% of the pie by owning 1000 of 1001 'randomness chance'
anyway we have meandered off topic to th nth degree.
we really need to slap any dev with a wet fish that refuses community input about how devs are halting utility and screwing up functionality, especially if their reply is not 'here is some code'.. but instead 'go back to fiat'