And Litecoin will most likely be a new king of crypto
Regarding the noise raised by the OP, I have heard many people claiming here that miners have been screaming for years about the necessity of the blocksize increase. If it is really so (I don't know, but let's assume that) and the blocksize increase was (is) as urgent and pressing as they have been screaming, what prevents them from introducing this change on their own (given their hashing power monopoly)? Okay, some dudes would be quick to retort that they want consensus and all that but if there is no consensus may be the bigger blocks are not in fact so urgent as these miners are pretending them to be? As I see it, you can't possibly have it both ways
It is quite sad that there are people whom the Bitcoin community and ordinary users bestowed trust on and yet they seems to be not working for the good of Bitcoin and its many stakeholders. However, I do believe that this is just a temporary setback as soon we can have a robust Bitcoin emerging.
I don't agree that soon LiteCoin will take over the throne of Bitcoin even if all those people manning Bitcoin now will transfer to the former. Having those people transferred can even help Bitcoin in the long run so they can replaced by people who have the PASSION and CARE for Bitcoin.
It is time for them to go somewhere as honestly we don't need these kind of people connected to Bitcoin
You seem to be overly obsessed with Bitcoin
It is only a tool, be it a currency or just a speculative asset. The same basically pertains to any other cryptocoin out there as well as money in general. It is certainly not about passion or care, it is about using it, and most people use Bitcoin as a vehicle for speculation. You may like or you may not like it, but if all these people (or just the majority of them) switch to some other coin (not necessarily Litecoin), Bitcoin will be dead, and this is life