

Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368

Well, to answer your first and second questions, I essentially don't vote, because nobody is forcing me to pay taxes.

A country without taxes? All people are taxed, some of them just by getting out of bed in the morning. But not all people are taxed monetarily.

Monetary taxation does one major thing. It enriches those who receive the tax money, in an unfair and unrighteous way. Rather than paying taxes, buy what you want. If you want to use the roads, buy the rights to use them. If you want military protection, buy the military protection. If you want a Mars program, donate to it. Do you want schooling for your kids?, pay for it; why should anybody be forced to pay for schooling for the children of somebody else? There is no reason to be forced to pay something you don't want or don't get. Taxation is theft.

Further, in America, if the IRS attacks you for not paying taxes, it doesn't, really. Rather, it is some IRS agent doing some paperwork. Ask the IRS agent to show you the agreement you have with IRS laws. If you agreed to pay, then pay, as your agreement states. If he won't or can't show you the agreement, sue him for the injury of the hassle he is putting you through.

If the IRS takes you to court, they don't, really. The indictment always reads THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs you. In the States, you have the right to face your accuser. Since THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is your accuser according to the indictment paperwork, require THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to take the oath, get on the stand, and testify to the harm or damage you have done to it, with evidence of the harm or damage, and proof that it was you that did the harm or damage. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is paperwork. Paperwork can't get on the stand and testify to anything. Case dismissed for lack of your accuser testifying in court.

Suppose at the beginning of your trial the judge asks the prosecuting attorney what the trial is all about. The prosecuting attorney starts telling the judge what the accusations are. If you don't object to the prosecuting attorney testifying without having first-hand knowledge, and without being placed under oath and on the stand, and without clarifying if he is a witness or an attorney (he can't be both), and if he is a witness, why he wasn't called by the prosecutor on the indictment (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA), you just let "them" run all over you.

But you made your first mistake by hiring an attorney. An attorney is an officer of the court. When you hired him, you agreed to whatever the court wants to do with you. It looks like a case of conflict of interest, but it is not, because by voluntarily hiring the attorney, you voluntarily turned the matter over to the total discretion of the court system.

The point is, since none of us are required to pay taxes in America, but since most of us pay them voluntarily, voting or not voting is not a tax question.

I see, so you are American. This is a very interesting topic. I have watched a few documentaries about taxes in the US an the IRS. You literally don't pay any taxes? Don't you have sales tax in your state? What about land tax? I'm sure there's some that you can't avoid. If that's the case, then you are being taxes. Or do you just think of income tax? Have you ever been taken to court or been hassled by the IRS? The whole court situation is quite interesting.

I like the idea of people just paying for what they want, but I still have some concerns though.

But I don't pay sales tax in my state.

For example. I don't use marijuana. I don't pay for other people using marijuana. Now, if I somebody down the street is selling his car, and I buy it, and he makes a handsome profit off me, I have purchased a car. What he does with the money is his business. If he uses some of the money to buy marijuana, did I buy the marijuana? Same with sales tax. Just because a store gives me an itemized list of what they have done with the money I use to pay for my purchases, doesn't mean that I pay sales tax. If they pay sales tax, they are the ones who pay it. Not me.

Property tax? I rent. I pay the landlord. If he uses some of his money to pay property tax, he is the one paying the tax, not me. But even if I owned the property, it would be MY property. Someone in government who tries to steal my property from me will get sued, just like he would if he were attempting to rob me, directly.

When I fill out an application form for a job, and I get hired, the employer needs me to fill out an IRS Form W-4. I fill out my name, and address and social same as always, for identification purposes. I fill out every other line on the W-4 with n-a (non-assumpsit)... except line 7 where it asks for my exempt status. There I write "EXEMPT." I sign the form "non-assumpsit" and my signature. My employer doesn't withhold. The IRS doesn't require tax payments. Of course, I give my employer a letter of explanation in such a way that he understands that you have to have an agreement with the IRS to pay income taxes, and that I don't have this agreement, because of the way I filled out the W-4.

Start by going here - - and finding every audio/video that has "IRS" in the title, to see what is going on.

Further, if court is involved, take a look at this audio/video:
003 - Karl Lentz - Establish your common law court

Then, look at the other audio/videos around that one.

It will take a little time to get it into your head what is going on. But you need to start somewhere. Listen to at least the first 5 minutes of the audio/video, "Learn how to reclaim your sovereignty and fight government tyranny through jury nullification" at, to understand some of the bottom line for the above A/V.

hero member
Activity: 1764
Merit: 584
That is not an easy question to answer. If you just allow anyone of legal age to vote, then it's clear that people would vote for politicians that would pander to them. Then you'll have people on welfare voting for politicians who promise free this and that.

If you limit it to those who pay taxes though then you end up in some sort of medieval setting where possibly many people don't have any say on how they would be governed. (Except that in the medieval times people do pay without representation.)

If I'd put one more restriction on voting, it would be political education. Make several courses that people can take for free and they have to pass all those to be allowed to vote. Every few years or so they have to take another refresher course and exam (like how driver's licenses are renewed).
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
No! I don't think they have the right to vote. The fact that they are not paying their taxes, they are abolishing their obligations to their country, then why should they be given the right to vote? Afterall, they don't care about their country at all, so they shouldn't participate in political affairs as well. If they given up on their obligations to contribute to the upliftment of the country through their financial obligations, then they should give up all their rights.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
I would gladly not vote if I didn't have to pay taxes. But if they forced me to pay taxes, I would vote, and vote them out of office. Then, without having to pay taxes any longer, I wouldn't vote any more... at least until the cycle started again.

So, you always vote to try to get people out of office, so they will stop forcing you to pay taxes? Have you had an success with this yet? You must do a lot of voting, since I'm pretty sure there is not one country with absolutely zero taxes. How do you imagine this society with no taxes? Do you have some economy and political system in mind?

Well, to answer your first and second questions, I essentially don't vote, because nobody is forcing me to pay taxes.

A country without taxes? All people are taxed, some of them just by getting out of bed in the morning. But not all people are taxed monetarily.

Monetary taxation does one major thing. It enriches those who receive the tax money, in an unfair and unrighteous way. Rather than paying taxes, buy what you want. If you want to use the roads, buy the rights to use them. If you want military protection, buy the military protection. If you want a Mars program, donate to it. Do you want schooling for your kids?, pay for it; why should anybody be forced to pay for schooling for the children of somebody else? There is no reason to be forced to pay something you don't want or don't get. Taxation is theft.

Further, in America, if the IRS attacks you for not paying taxes, it doesn't, really. Rather, it is some IRS agent doing some paperwork. Ask the IRS agent to show you the agreement you have with IRS laws. If you agreed to pay, then pay, as your agreement states. If he won't or can't show you the agreement, sue him for the injury of the hassle he is putting you through.

If the IRS takes you to court, they don't, really. The indictment always reads THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs you. In the States, you have the right to face your accuser. Since THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is your accuser according to the indictment paperwork, require THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to take the oath, get on the stand, and testify to the harm or damage you have done to it, with evidence of the harm or damage, and proof that it was you that did the harm or damage. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is paperwork. Paperwork can't get on the stand and testify to anything. Case dismissed for lack of your accuser testifying in court.

Suppose at the beginning of your trial the judge asks the prosecuting attorney what the trial is all about. The prosecuting attorney starts telling the judge what the accusations are. If you don't object to the prosecuting attorney testifying without having first-hand knowledge, and without being placed under oath and on the stand, and without clarifying if he is a witness or an attorney (he can't be both), and if he is a witness, why he wasn't called by the prosecutor on the indictment (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA), you just let "them" run all over you.

But you made your first mistake by hiring an attorney. An attorney is an officer of the court. When you hired him, you agreed to whatever the court wants to do with you. It looks like a case of conflict of interest, but it is not, because by voluntarily hiring the attorney, you voluntarily turned the matter over to the total discretion of the court system.

The point is, since none of us are required to pay taxes in America, but since most of us pay them voluntarily, voting or not voting is not a tax question.

I see, so you are American. This is a very interesting topic. I have watched a few documentaries about taxes in the US an the IRS. You literally don't pay any taxes? Don't you have sales tax in your state? What about land tax? I'm sure there's some that you can't avoid. If that's the case, then you are being taxes. Or do you just think of income tax? Have you ever been taken to court or been hassled by the IRS? The whole court situation is quite interesting.

I like the idea of people just paying for what they want, but I still have some concerns though.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
I would gladly not vote if I didn't have to pay taxes. But if they forced me to pay taxes, I would vote, and vote them out of office. Then, without having to pay taxes any longer, I wouldn't vote any more... at least until the cycle started again.

So, you always vote to try to get people out of office, so they will stop forcing you to pay taxes? Have you had an success with this yet? You must do a lot of voting, since I'm pretty sure there is not one country with absolutely zero taxes. How do you imagine this society with no taxes? Do you have some economy and political system in mind?

Well, to answer your first and second questions, I essentially don't vote, because nobody is forcing me to pay taxes.

A country without taxes? All people are taxed, some of them just by getting out of bed in the morning. But not all people are taxed monetarily.

Monetary taxation does one major thing. It enriches those who receive the tax money, in an unfair and unrighteous way. Rather than paying taxes, buy what you want. If you want to use the roads, buy the rights to use them. If you want military protection, buy the military protection. If you want a Mars program, donate to it. Do you want schooling for your kids?, pay for it; why should anybody be forced to pay for schooling for the children of somebody else? There is no reason to be forced to pay something you don't want or don't get. Taxation is theft.

Further, in America, if the IRS attacks you for not paying taxes, it doesn't, really. Rather, it is some IRS agent doing some paperwork. Ask the IRS agent to show you the agreement you have with IRS laws. If you agreed to pay, then pay, as your agreement states. If he won't or can't show you the agreement, sue him for the injury of the hassle he is putting you through.

If the IRS takes you to court, they don't, really. The indictment always reads THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA vs you. In the States, you have the right to face your accuser. Since THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is your accuser according to the indictment paperwork, require THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA to take the oath, get on the stand, and testify to the harm or damage you have done to it, with evidence of the harm or damage, and proof that it was you that did the harm or damage. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is paperwork. Paperwork can't get on the stand and testify to anything. Case dismissed for lack of your accuser testifying in court.

Suppose at the beginning of your trial the judge asks the prosecuting attorney what the trial is all about. The prosecuting attorney starts telling the judge what the accusations are. If you don't object to the prosecuting attorney testifying without having first-hand knowledge, and without being placed under oath and on the stand, and without clarifying if he is a witness or an attorney (he can't be both), and if he is a witness, why he wasn't called by the prosecutor on the indictment (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA), you just let "them" run all over you.

But you made your first mistake by hiring an attorney. An attorney is an officer of the court. When you hired him, you agreed to whatever the court wants to do with you. It looks like a case of conflict of interest, but it is not, because by voluntarily hiring the attorney, you voluntarily turned the matter over to the total discretion of the court system.

The point is, since none of us are required to pay taxes in America, but since most of us pay them voluntarily, voting or not voting is not a tax question.

Activity: 18
Merit: 0
I would gladly not vote if I didn't have to pay taxes. But if they forced me to pay taxes, I would vote, and vote them out of office. Then, without having to pay taxes any longer, I wouldn't vote any more... at least until the cycle started again.

So, you always vote to try to get people out of office, so they will stop forcing you to pay taxes? Have you had an success with this yet? You must do a lot of voting, since I'm pretty sure there is not one country with absolutely zero taxes. How do you imagine this society with no taxes? Do you have some economy and political system in mind?
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
I would gladly not vote if I didn't have to pay taxes. But if they forced me to pay taxes, I would vote, and vote them out of office. Then, without having to pay taxes any longer, I wouldn't vote any more... at least until the cycle started again.

Activity: 590
Merit: 39
historically voting rights were always interlinked with taxes. this was especially the case when there was no banking cartel.

universal voting rights came also with universal enslavement by a banking cartel.

how they benefit from it? can you elaborate this and provide sources?
sr. member
Activity: 1470
Merit: 325
I know will refer to the constitution and human rights on this matter but If a citizen does not contribute to society, how can that citizen have an opinion on it? Ultimately if you do not pay tax, you have no need to affect the political process, and your impact will be negative to others because you will be uninformed on how to vote to improve things.


historically voting rights were always interlinked with taxes. this was especially the case when there was no banking cartel.

universal voting rights came also with universal enslavement by a banking cartel.
Activity: 590
Merit: 39
Guys, remember that there are many types of taxes, if you buy a coffee you are paying taxes. Everyone pays.
Activity: 224
Merit: 18
If government will do this,then Government will ignore these people without their fault:

1.All student,who are doing education, (they are future of any country)
2.Dependent person of that country,
3.Disable persons,who are not able to work,
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1195
This tax payment issue is one sided. In a situation where am just selling what we call sachet water to put food on my table, how do I pay tax from such? In my believe I think tax payment does not have anything to do with voting. If the right kind of leaders are voted in and the economy becomes better, I can change from my street sales and do something good and meaningful to enable me pay tax the way it should be. This situation is like asking a homeless and hungry man to pay tax before he can vote. It is not ok.

You will usually find that in most countries you have to be earning a minimum amount before you start paying taxes. You can't be expected to pay taxes if you're not earning anything or very little. People who are barely making enough to survive obviously won't be taxed. This bring up an interesting point though about who votes for who. The lower classes will surely vote for someone who promises them no taxes and many other benefits if they're poor, whereas the upper classes will vote for the people who promise them lower taxes and tax breaks whilst stiffing the poor out of benefits because they don't want to pay for them. Whoever wins will depend on whether there's more poor or rich people in the country, but as I said before neither parties will probably do the things they promised and perhaps even the opposite whilst the real people who benefit are the corporations and super rich who financed their campaigns in the first place as it's them who get the tax breaks and gov contracts so they can reap the rewards of donating to their campaign in the first place. Legalized bribery at the end of the day, but that's what democracy has become. Corporatocracy.
copper member
Activity: 2184
Merit: 4241
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I know will refer to the constitution and human rights on this matter but If a citizen does not contribute to society, how can that citizen have an opinion on it? Ultimately if you do not pay tax, you have no need to affect the political process, and your impact will be negative to others because you will be uninformed on how to vote to improve things.


I don't think paying taxes is the only way one can contribute to society, that's a narrow minded premise in my opinion.  I'm more concerned about those who are misinformed and uneducated having a vote.

The push to allow non-citizens to vote in some municipalities is a scary thought, not only are they not educated on American history, but they are not guaranteed to have America's best interest in mind when going to the polls.
Activity: 392
Merit: 10
This tax payment issue is one sided. In a situation where am just selling what we call sachet water to put food on my table, how do I pay tax from such? In my believe I think tax payment does not have anything to do with voting. If the right kind of leaders are voted in and the economy becomes better, I can change from my street sales and do something good and meaningful to enable me pay tax the way it should be. This situation is like asking a homeless and hungry man to pay tax before he can vote. It is not ok.
Activity: 18
Merit: 0
I know will refer to the constitution and human rights on this matter but If a citizen does not contribute to society, how can that citizen have an opinion on it? Ultimately if you do not pay tax, you have no need to affect the political process, and your impact will be negative to others because you will be uninformed on how to vote to improve things.

It would be very hard to control. I don't see any real good reason to implement a policy like that. If you're a business owner, for example, you may only pay tax at the end of the year. If the election is in the middle of the year, you can't very well say that the business owner is not a taxpayer. There are already mechanisms in place to catch and punish people that are avoiding taxes. If you break those laws you'll be fine and/or put in jail. In that case, the question would become, should inmates be allowed to vote? I think that they should be able to vote too because decisions the president will make will affect them in their lives in prison too.
Activity: 1232
Merit: 1195
I know will refer to the constitution and human rights on this matter but If a citizen does not contribute to society, how can that citizen have an opinion on it? Ultimately if you do not pay tax, you have no need to affect the political process, and your impact will be negative to others because you will be uninformed on how to vote to improve things.


What if you're disabled and can't work? What if you dedicate your entire life to working for charities and getting no pay at all? What if you live in a country that doesn't have taxes? Those people shouldn't have a vote in who leads them? What about someone who earns money but is a complete moron? What about someone who earns money but would vote for Hitler or someone like him if he could? Should it be that the only things that qualifies someone to vote is age and in your case paying taxes?
full member
Activity: 574
Merit: 108
Well, I would like to start of by saying that all of the citizens of a particular nation is paying taxes eventhough they are not paying it technically. Meaning, eventhough they do not pay taxes directly to the tax payers' lounge, still they are contributing to the country. They still but goods and products of the country, they pay bills, and they work, in which in all of those, taxes are there. Therefore, everyone of us are paying taxes and contributing to the economic welfare of the country. If all of us do pay taxes, then all of us are entitled to vote. Because after all, the extent of power of the leaders within a particular country is not limited only for those who pay taxes but to all its citizens.
Activity: 1666
Merit: 1285
Flying Hellfish is a Commie
I guess it depends on their reasoning for not paying taxes. If they're not paying taxes because they don't have the income to be able to qualify to even pay the lowest level of taxes (pretty much like having a 0 percent income tax level) Then I think that these people should be allowed to vote, or people that don't have income, or something along those lines. You're still a citizen even if you don't pay taxes.

Though if you AVOID paying taxes and end up paying nothing on your income in an attempt to defraud services that need your tax dollars to function -- then you shouldn't be able to vote for that year. That's my view on it, and I know that's a tough issue.
Activity: 590
Merit: 39
Everyone has the right to vote, that's why it's called universal suffrage. Restrictions based on wealth were common centuries ago, first implemented by American Constitution of 1787 and French Constitution of 1791. We evolved from that. It is scary that people in the crypto universe do not understand basic aspects of democracy and decentralization.
Activity: 3766
Merit: 1368
Voting is permitted to all who are citizens and are of age. Taxes are required of nobody.

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