Had been in a dilemma after seeing BTC-E's owner being arrested for a $4 Billion money-laundering fraud which he had been conducting, who knows that from when. First Mt Gox, then Bitfinex then Poloniex and now this, few were hacked and some had their admins only cheating their users.
Do you really think any exchanges are trustworthy anymore?
The thing is why would you even store that much money which you cannot afford in an exchange that is known to have absolutely no physical address, close to zero customer support and is basically a money laundering pit?
Do your own due diligence before doing anything - that's true whatever you do with your bitcoins.
Exchanges were never supposed to be a safe place for you to store your coin. It's called an exchange for a reason, not a wallet. If you store your bitcoins on an exchage for a prolonged period of time then you're the only one to blame when one gets hacked or shut down/exit scams, because if you just held onto your own private keys everything would have been fine.