A general scan of your posts indicates that you're hung up on proof and logic, as opposed to providing information, other than your general distaste for taxation. Both are rather simplistic ideals in the larger scheme of humanity. May I suggest broadening your horizons?
Wow dude you're ignorant as all hell.
Broadening horizons? Unoriginal? Ok Mr. Hipster lulz.
Did you know that your penchant for Physics is ironic when viewed through your negative prism of unoriginality and anti-simplicity?
What I mean to say is that physics accepts that in order for a theory to be widely accepted it ought to be "simple", "short" and "elegant" or "beautiful". Hence the term "Beautiful equations".
Things, which are simple, are logical. Logic is, in part, the deconstruction, into smaller parts, of complex socio/economic phenomena. To state that something is "simple" and therefore wrong is anti-physics (irony coming from someone who claims to be speaking in support of Physics).
Honestly my friend... you use big words but your existentialism is lacking in context and content. You are simply ignorant, holding on to false ideas derived out of illogical premises. In other words... you believe things absent evidence and thus appear to be ignorant of your own ignorance.
What have you said here? Explain again, because I do not get it.
Do you want to talk about the socio/economic trajectory of humanity? Or are those words too big for you? Whatever the case, I'm game! Start a thread, and let's have at it. Right now. Start the thread.