If miners refuse to do their job in filtering, there's no reason to leave it up to miners.
Regular participating nodes can refuse to relay blocks with (eg) more than 50% Dice spam.
Let me get this straight: a blockchain fork caused by the fixing of an unknown bug should be fixed ASAP. On the other hand the blockchain should be deliberately forked because not all miners agree with you?
This topic has nothing to do with blockchain forking, period.
So wait, the Psy theory is the following:
Major bug in network. Don't actually fix it, simply expect the company taking advantage of it to stop taking advantage of it out of the kindness of their hearts. Then, proceed to exercise monumental amounts of naivety by assuming that no other website will come along and start to do the same exact thing. When they do, instead of fixing the bug, simply come on bitcointalk.org and whine and whine about it instead of fixing the bug. The (by then 100+) websites doing the exact same thing should simply stop doing it out of the kindness of their hearts. Rinse repeat. Never actually solve problem, just expect that it will solve itself if I whine about it enough. Don't fix flaws, just expect people not to aBTCuse them.
Psy, ...wtf? I can't even begin to wrap my mind around that.
That's like the Canadian people expecting the operators of the Exxon-Valdez vessel to pay for the environmental damage of the spill out of the kindness of their hearts, after passing a law specifically limiting the company's financial liability in case of a spill. It's nice, if you're in kindergarten, to expect the world to be all fluffy and happy and companies will simply not profit from loopholes and exemptions and little flaws that allow them to make more money.
This is not kindergarten. Expect that any flaw will be fully taken advantage of and abused, and must be taken care of like the SRS BSNS that it is.
The flaw is that miners aren't doing their job filtering spam. That's how the Bitcoin protocol deals with it.