Effective you get 2% as yearly interest so on 10K worth of coins you get 200 coins per year because of staking (if you keep them in your wallet for staking ofcourse). Block reward on staking depends because of your network weight against the total network weight. So sometimes you get a small reward other times you get a bigger reward but in the end you will get 2% per year. If you increase your stack to 100K coins you would still get 2% but this means 2000 coins per year. After a few weeks of staking you would see that your balance will split in more stake blocks so you will get more often a block. Also by keeping coins in your wallet you protect the network because the network is secured by pure PoS. Keeping all your coins on a exchange dont help to make the network stronger. Also exchanges dont stake because of security issues.
i am no expert m8 but i think it works out more because its compound interest
5000 coins u get 2% of stake but then receive say 100 SC for a pos block...but then next time you stake you have 5100 and receive 102 coins for a POS block..
This over the year accumulates to more..
i know the numbers are smaller above is just an example
True, you will also get 2 % on coins that you got by staking. I did not want to make it more confusing then it already is for people new on staking. So if you get a reward from staking it will be taken into the next stake after it reaches the required mature time.