Look medium you have here everything about Simdaq :
https://medium.com/simdaq-blogSIMDAQ HAS 20 EMPLOYEES !!
- The project that I am running now is actually an echo of the past. We were actively engaged in trading a decade ago. I’d like to note that I say “we” because all the achievements are the result of a cohesive teamwork.
We worked with common stocks first, then we moved to a more aggressive futures market and eventually engaged in cryptocurrency trading as the most volatile of the available tools. We were watching Bitcoin plunging from $32 to $2. The SIMDAQ project was conceived as an internal tool for ourselves — we needed to hone the skills of technical analysis and to efficiently test trading hypotheses. There was no good tool, and we had to print out the charts, cover part of the chart with a piece of paper and move it to simulate trading. Eventually, we developed a special software for this. We had an idea to develop this into an independent project, but we evaluated the market and refused to risk in a narrow niche with a specific product.
In 2017, we realized that the number of people engaged in cryptocurrency had increased hundreds of times. Each user is also a trader in part. This is why our project SIMDAQ has become popular. We reconsidered the project and turned it into a toolkit for honing trading strategies: backtesting, a package for programming and testing trading robots, and a platform for sharing experience. The project not just gives cryptotraders a real advantage, but also helps the trading ecosystem around the cryptocurrencies mature.
Good luck Simdaq !!