skill without any luck will be very difficult to win, and good luck with no skill, you're better off gambling. Well, in trading, it takes two things to be able to get profit. skill and luck are two important things you must pay attention and you keep, so that you can make a lot of money and not lose in trading
Yes, luck is only considered the best in gambling to earn money but when you talk of other aspects of cryptocurrency trading, then skills will have to come first followed by luck which is also good. But in every action we perform, we need both skills and luck to achieve the best results.
Without luck, I have experienced failure even I believe I have skills. Luck can offer a helping hand in some cases, but that's about it. If I look at myself in times I am trading with volatility, then the experience helps me to make final decisions.
There are cases when some sort of luck is wanted when I make a wrong trade for example, but as I said, it's luck.
Some times the luck is indeed offering me a helping hand, but when I don't have luck, it also puts me with my nose on the fact that I made a bad trade with a small loss as result.
It's all part of the game. You have to accept that you some times end up making bad trades resulting in a small loss. The key is to look at what you did wrong, and move forward.