What happens if you don't sell your 2m coins ?
Because I don't see how you could get 900~1000 btc from this ipo, seriously
The purpose of the IPO (its not really an IPO, its a private offering), is to get coins out the community and get it trading.
The other purpose of the IPO, is to get it done. I am absolutely sick of working on the coin. Its done.
http://godoc.org/github.com/skycoin/skycoin/src/cipherhttp://godoc.org/github.com/skycoin/skycoin/src/coinhttp://godoc.org/github.com/skycoin/skycoin/src/visorWhen I am working on the coin and writing unit tests and endlessly refactoring, I feel like crypto jesus dragging the crypto cross. Everyone wants to work on the "cool stuff" but few people want to fix build scripts for cywgin or deal with problems. After the IPO we will go on oDesk and find good developers who need to write code in order to feed their family and avoid starvation in winter, who are motivated to handle these hundreds of small things quickly and efficiently.
I want you to go into the Bitcoin source and then look at the Skycoin source
https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/tree/master/srchttps://github.com/skycoin/skycoinClick on a folder. You can feel the clutter. Bitcoin is like a jet aircraft held together by duct tape. Getting Skycoin down from 85,000 lines to 5,000 lines and eliminating all the edge cases and "undefined behavior" was an immense effort over years and psychologically taxing.
After Skycoin and Skywire is done. Bitcoin is obsolete. There is no reason to spend 300 million/year on mining and electricity costs to secure the blockchain. There is no longer a reason to tolerate the crap in Bitcoin, the edge cases, the shitty API, the frustration that it creates doing even the basic task of checking the balance of an address not loaded in your wallet. There is no reason to tolerate the transaction malleability, signature malleability, or use insecure web wallets because the local wallet is shit.
Even if your coin is Proof of Work, it is easier to just fork Skycoin and clone the repo rather than deal with Bitcoin. Skycoin is actually a set of libraries for building cryptocoin applications.
Shorter Summary:What happens if you don't sell your 2m coins ?
Because I don't see how you could get 900~1000 btc from this ipo, seriously
1000 Bitcoin is a tiny IPO. Its not even an IPO, it is a "private offering". 1000 Bitcoins were not even a dollar, when Skycoin project started. 1000 Bitcoin wont even buy you a sports car.
The IPO was sold out a year ago. I just want to get it over with. It is taking up too much time. There are more important things that need to be developed and it is taking up too much resources and creating too much stress. As soon as its done, people can whine about it, but we can get actual work done instead of worrying about minimizing whining.