How well does the Meshnet work right now?
Can it get pass the great firewall of China?
Is there a standard hardware that you recommend?
I don't think the meshnet is close to be ready, I believe it'll come at a later stage after the rest is up and running and stable. But I may be wrong.
Once the IPO is released, I was wondering if we could have more direct leadership from the Skycoin developers.
We need a direct line of communication with the developers so that we can discuss strategies on how to increase adoption, marketing, and coordinate other efforts to make this coin a success. We need the community to work on how to simplify the technology to the masses and how to channel their hatred towards the big internet companies to increase the adoption. A constant communication with the developers will ensure that our efforts are in line with their vision and that we will be progressing forward not backwards.
Furthermore, when we do launch the meshnet, there will obviously be a lot of technological hurdles to overcome. We need technical support from the developers to help overcome any of these problems that our users may experience. Otherwise frustration from deployment will lead to many users giving up.
While these sporadic updates are fine for now, this cannot continue once the coin is released. A more constant presence is needed.
As evidenced with Cloakcoin, the infrequent updates, erratic messages, refusal to accept community support, and difficulty establishing communication with the developer destroyed what was a promising coin; I would hate to see Skycoin go down the same path.
Thank you
Yes. Right now development is disorganized. Trying to get all developers in one place. Skycoin has a large number of active developers, but very few of them are working at one time, because no one knows what needs to be done. There is not enough project documentation and technical specifications.
I think there needs to be a developer chatroom. Marketing and most everything outside of the core cryptography and blockchain, will be handed over to the community after launch. After the darknet is up, communication will increase significantly.
The meshnet will be a massive coordination effort. It requires people on ground and several different hardware teams. It will probably require ASICs eventually and its an undertaking far larger than the coin implementation. Right now the focus is finishing the coin IPO, then getting the darknet working at basic level. This will enable file sharing (distributed file system), websites and communication tools. The darknet will still be useful, even if it is merely running over traditional internet.
Then we can add mesh, peer-to-peer connections to the darknet topology. Then eventually tunnel normal internet traffic over the darknet/meshnet to a peerage point and transit back to the normal internet (similar to a VPN, but running over meshnet to exit point). Just getting those simple steps working, would be a great achievement.
The good news, is that after much frustration and coding, we discovered that the meshnet/darknet implementation is actually much simpler than imagined. The internet will face palm at the power and elegance of the resulting architecture. The implementation is simple enough, that there can be no unanswered questions about its security and the performance and privacy are beyond Tor. Tor is over 180,000 lines of code and this method is clearly superior with significantly less complexity and higher performance.