I read both parts... and after 7 years all you got = wallet + tricked out Raspberry Pi - John McAFee = 0.
Seriously, it must be nice to jet around the world and hob nob with super geeks/creeps/freaks...
But until you actually stand up a working network... this project is nothing more than astroturf.
You should not claim to have read the articles, and in the next breath make false claims about the content of said articles. All anyone has to do is read them for themselves to see you are lying. Either post criticisms of the actual content or remain silent.
Has the so-called "synth fraud been solved?" Can we continue to develop it now?
The project has been and remains under continuous development while progress is ahead of schedule. The release of Skywire mainnet, Obelisk consensus algorithm mainnet, and CX integration is slated for Q1 2019.
Numerous sites keep track of development activity for crypto projects, they consistently rank Skycoin among the top. Ex:
https://coincodecap.com/But it's better to visit the Github and see for yourself what's going on.
https://github.com/skycoinAlhough it has nothing to do with Skycoin development, Synth has released some tweets relevant to the kidnapping case, it's under appeal.
https://twitter.com/NotSkycoinCEO/status/1079853523016339456https://twitter.com/NotSkycoinCEO/status/1080967730034106373What false claims? As of Feb 2019 all you have is some wallets, Raspberry Pis, and a billion pages of astroturf.
Just saw the Showtime documentary of McAFee, Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAFee (2016)...
This guy is the biggest dirtbag that ever lived and very likely paid $5,000 for a hit on his neighbor...
3 of John's live-in whores admitted on camera that he never had sex to their knowledge due to impotence...
But wanted the girls to shit in his mouth. What do millennials call that? I there a special Twitter code word for this?
Also, his Harvard trained American researcher, Allison Adonizio, charged on camera that McAFee drugged and molested her.
Anyone that would pay McAFee $$$,$$$ to front their project is exploiting the notoriety of a very sick sociopath, why?...
And this is the company that Brandon is so very proud to keep. Not a joke, dude. Everything is not a big joke.