everyone should have stopped using skype when MS an american company bought them.
There is no privacy for anyone using it now. Especially with the govt saying they have the right
to seize overseas servers from american companies.
Rest assured the intelligence community has a backdoor to your skype.
To be honest Skype as always been like that been insecure and very vulnerable to attacks and identity stolen they had a lot of security leaks bugs and many hacks that caused people to lose total access to their account loss of login password and even email account that it was attached to. Had a friend last year got hit by an attacker and too me the part of 4 months on and off fixing his stuff and finally sorting everything out and resolving all the problems that the hacker had caused to all the sites he had linked into his email account.
Want privacy on Skype.
1 option is a very simple VPN
And you can do some of the following to make things a lot more secure for you.
Separate Email not linked to or affiliated to any other main email addresses.
Make a name up on it. unless your going to use Skype credit and put personal info in then your identity is now public to Skype
Never give personal info out over Skype in text chats.
Block all services on your hosts file within windows. This will block all the BS and Aids that MS has to offer running on Skype.
Navigate to the folder C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\ , right click on the hosts file and hit Open (or edit with Notepad++ if you have it)
Select Notepad or any other text editor you prefer
Add at the bottom of the file the lines below:
# Stop Skype Aids rad.msn.com live.rads.msn.com ads1.msn.com ads2.msads.net static.2mdn.net g.msn.com a.ads2.msads.net b.ads2.msads.net ac3.msn.com download.skype.com ui.skype.com ad-emea.doubleclick.net msntest.serving-sys.com sO.2mdn.net aka-cdn-ns.adtech.de secure.flashtalking.com cdn.atdmt.com cdn.adnxs.com secure.img-cdn.mediaplex.com
# End Stop Skype Aids
This will block all the updates and shit that Microsoft send you in the background and collect data and stop update services too. Just so you know you might want to make sure that all contacts are updated and also put Skype on another system too to continue to update contacts as it will block out new contact requests coming though too.
As well Blocking out their BS you can actually downgrade and go back on the versions they have disable and you can sill run them just need to install latest version then use auto sign in and then uninstall and then install version you want to use.
fk you Microsoft