
Topic: Slappy Statist Candidates for US President 2016 - page 9. (Read 17936 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
MD Gov - O’Malley steps up Wall Street critique in swing through Iowa

DAVENPORT, Iowa — Former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley stepped up his critique of Wall Street excesses here Friday as he began his first swing through Iowa this year with a populist speech to an enthusiastic crowd of close to 300 people attending a Democratic dinner.

O’Malley, who is aggressively positioning himself as an alternative to presumed Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton, said that his party “must not allow another Wall Street meltdown to bring down hard-working families.” In a speech broadcast live on C-SPAN, he called for tougher sanctions on banks that break the law and for reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act, the Depression-era measure that separated commercial and investment banking.

Many left-leaning Democrats, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.), argue that the act’s repeal in 1999 under President Bill Clinton contributed to the 2008 global credit crisis. If O'Malley is to gain traction against Hillary Clinton, one key will be successfully courting Democrats who have been pining for Warren to run for president — something she has insisted she has no plans to do in 2016.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
In states with the first 2016 primaries, Democrats ask: Where’s Hillary?

In Iowa, Democrats want to see Hillary Rodham Clinton mingling in their neighborhood coffee shops, answering their questions and sharing laughs. In New Hampshire, they expect her on their living-room couches, listening to their tales of struggle. In South Carolina, they’re eager to hold hands with her and pray together.

And in each of the early presidential primary and caucus states, Democratic activists are asking the same question: Where is Hillary?

As Clinton slow-walks her way into the 2016 presidential race, many of the Democratic front-runner’s most active supporters are concerned that she’s not yet doing the kind of face-to-face politicking that is well underway by a cast of a dozen or more likely Republican candidates.

Clinton’s absence has stoked unease among her impatient supporters, who also worry about her reputation as someone uncomfortable with the nitty-gritty of retail campaigning.

“They’re anxious because so many Republican candidates are coming here, they’re flowing in, and it’s like a parade on the other side,” said New Hampshire state Sen. Lou D’Allesandro, a top Clinton backer in 2008. “Obviously she’s going to run. They’re hoping she’s going to be here so they can actually see her and engage with her and reinvigorate the campaign.”
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Hillary Clinton staffs up in New Hampshire

Hillary Rodham Clinton has lined up three Democratic staffers credited with helping Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) win re-election last fall to lead the emerging Clinton campaign operation in that state, Democratic officials said.

Clinton is expected to formally announce her presidential campaign next month, but top staff are already unofficially on the job in at least two states with early primaries, as well as in New York City where Clinton plans to house her campaign headquarters.

In New Hampshire, which has the nation’s second nominating contest, Democrats familiar with the hires said Clinton has selected Mike Vlacich, who ran Shaheen’s 2014 reelection, to be the state director. Harrell Kirstein, who was Shaheen’s 2014 communications director, will reprise that role for Clinton, and Shaheen political director Kari Thurman will be a senior political aide in New Hampshire, the Democrats said.

Democrats who confirmed the hires asked not to be identified because Clinton has not yet announced her candidacy.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Hillary Clinton: ‘We Really Need Camps for Adults’

As I have gotten older, I have decided we really need camps for adults. And we need adults camps that you all run. Really. None of the serious stuff. None of the life-challenging stuff… more fun. I think we have a huge fun deficit in America. And we need to figure out how to fill that fun deficit, certainly for our kids but also for the rest of us. We need some [garbled] from time to time, maybe some enrichment, certainly some time outdoors. Maybe actually spending time with people that we didn’t know before.

LOL, state sponsored "fun camps" for adults of all things. Once again she knows what's best for people and stands there lecturing the numb nuts that adore her. Back in the 90s when Bill was president she came out with this mantra that it ''takes a village to raise a child" insinuating that the collective should have a say in one's parenting and now fast forward to this.

Camps for adults are the next big thing!
Will there be special camps for Libertarians?
I am thinking "the greater good" will be enhanced if I get some re-education.
You guessed exactly what my thoughts were on this situation. The greater good isn't or shouldn't be part of my life, glad you see the same. The garbage goes on, BH. You're one of my favorite here.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Hillary Clinton: ‘We Really Need Camps for Adults’

As I have gotten older, I have decided we really need camps for adults. And we need adults camps that you all run. Really. None of the serious stuff. None of the life-challenging stuff… more fun. I think we have a huge fun deficit in America. And we need to figure out how to fill that fun deficit, certainly for our kids but also for the rest of us. We need some [garbled] from time to time, maybe some enrichment, certainly some time outdoors. Maybe actually spending time with people that we didn’t know before.

LOL, state sponsored "fun camps" for adults of all things. Once again she knows what's best for people and stands there lecturing the numb nuts that adore her. Back in the 90s when Bill was president she came out with this mantra that it ''takes a village to raise a child" insinuating that the collective should have a say in one's parenting and now fast forward to this.

Camps for adults are the next big thing!
Will there be special camps for Libertarians?
I am thinking "the greater good" will be enhanced if I get some re-education.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Hillary Clinton: ‘We Really Need Camps for Adults’

As I have gotten older, I have decided we really need camps for adults. And we need adults camps that you all run. Really. None of the serious stuff. None of the life-challenging stuff… more fun. I think we have a huge fun deficit in America. And we need to figure out how to fill that fun deficit, certainly for our kids but also for the rest of us. We need some [garbled] from time to time, maybe some enrichment, certainly some time outdoors. Maybe actually spending time with people that we didn’t know before.

LOL, state sponsored "fun camps" for adults of all things. Once again she knows what's best for people and stands there lecturing the numb nuts that adore her. Back in the 90s when Bill was president she came out with this mantra that it ''takes a village to raise a child" insinuating that the collective should have a say in one's parenting and now fast forward to this.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Walker’s Pandering Problem

Carney is especially worried about Walker’s willingness to yield to lobbying and business interests in the GOP because these are responsible for the party’s extensive problem with crony capitalism. It is also easy to imagine the same thing happening on other issues involving other entrenched interests. As Carney says, this isn’t just a matter of Walker’s pandering as a candidate. It likely tells us something important about how he would govern if he were elected president:

But when the Wall Street lobbyists ask for special favors, or the manufacturers demand their subsidies — what do you think Walker will do?

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Jeb Bush’s tie to fugitive goes against business-savvy image he promotes

Jeb Bush was a young man building a real estate business in Miami in 1985 when health-care entrepreneur Miguel Recarey Jr. hired him to help locate office space in South Florida.

Bush, then the son of the vice president, later provided another service: opening doors in Washington, where Recarey had mounted an aggressive lobbying effort for a waiver from Medicare rules that would allow his fast-growing company to continue to expand.

Recarey got what he wanted. But two years later, the firm, International Medical Centers, was shut down as regulators searched for millions in missing federal funds. Facing charges of bribery and bilking Medicare, Recarey fled the country to avoid prosecution. He remains a fugitive in Spain, where a court denied U.S. requests for extradition.

The Recarey case illustrates aspects of Bush’s business record that are likely to resurface as he moves closer to a campaign for president. Time and again, he benefited from his family name and connections to land a consulting deal or board membership, sometimes doing business with people and companies that would later run afoul of the law.

In the case of Recarey, Bush has said over the years that he “made one call” to a mid-level official to seek a fair deal for a Florida businessman.

But new interviews and a review of congressional testimony show that Bush engaged in multiple calls on Recarey’s behalf to senior administration officials — and that his advocacy made a difference.

One recipient of Bush’s outreach on behalf of Recarey, C. McClain Haddow, then the chief of staff to the secretary of health and human services, Margaret Heckler, told The Washington Post that hearing from the vice president’s son “certainly altered the trajectory of the decision.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Scott Walker aide fires off epic 40-tweet tweetstorm after resigning following just one day on the job

Some conservatives were not pleased with the hiring of Mair. The chairman of the Iowa Republican Party, Jeff Kaufmann, called on Walker to dismiss Mair, and the right-leaning site Breitbart News ran a sharply critical story about her support for immigration "amnesty."

"Walker made another massive misstep on Monday, hiring Liz Mair," the Breitbart story read. "Mair's support for amnesty for illegal aliens ... is sure to dog Walker in Iowa, South Carolina, and other early presidential states."

After she left Walker's campaign, Mair fired off about 40 tweets that clarified her positions on issues like ethanol subsidies and reiterated her criticism of King. She insisted she was actually a big fan of Iowa but has questions about its status as the first state to weigh in on the presidential process. Mair also praised Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad (R) and Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) using still more colorful language.

Read more:

Once again, one has to wonder how Walker hires a broad like this having such pro-amnesty for illegals while he's supposed to be this great conservative. Then she goes on to insult Iowans the same day she's hired. This inability to maintain and control staff that you just hired is simply amazing or incompetence.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Democrats in early-primary states ask: Where's Hillary?

In Iowa, Democrats want to see Hillary Rodham Clinton mingling in their neighborhood coffee shops, answering their questions and sharing laughs. In New Hampshire, they expect her on their living-room couches, listening to their tales of struggle. In South Carolina, they’re eager to hold hands with her and pray together.

And in each of the early presidential primary and caucus states, Democratic activists are asking the same question: Where is Hillary?

As Clinton slow-walks her way into the 2016 presidential race, many of the Democratic front-runner’s most active supporters are concerned that she’s not yet doing the kind of face-to-face politicking that is well underway by a cast of a dozen or more likely Republican candidates.

Clinton’s absence has stoked unease among her impatient supporters, who also worry about her reputation as someone uncomfortable with the nitty-gritty of retail campaigning.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
The numbers suggest Hillary Clinton's controversies have taken a toll on her still unannounced presidential campaign.

The Democratic former secretary of state's approval rating has repeatedly tumbled as she moves towards a seemingly inevitable 2016 White House bid. According to a CNN poll released Monday, Clinton now has her lowest favorable and highest unfavorable numbers since 2008, when she last ran for president.

The poll also shows a sharp drop in the wake of recent revelations about Clinton's exclusive use of a personal email address during her time as secretary of state.

Along with the hit from the email scandal, the numbers may illustrate something observers have long suggested about Clinton — that voters prefer her when she's not running for office.

After losing the 2008 race to now-President Barack Obama, Clinton joined his administration. Perhaps because she was able to stay above the partisan fray, her approval rating subsequently soared. Since she left office at the start of 2013, however, her support has repeatedly dropped.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ted Cruz calls on next president to 'repudiate' Iran deal

Manchester, New Hampshire (CNN) - Sen. Ted Cruz argued Monday that any potential White House candidate who's not willing to reject the emerging deal with Iran over its nuclear development is "not fit to serve" as president.

Speaking at a Politics and Eggs breakfast in New Hampshire on Monday, Cruz urged the audience to press other contenders on whether they would "be willing to repudiate" a non-Congressional approved agreement reached with Iran should they become president.

"Any candidate in my view who will not say 'yes' to that is not fit to serve as commander in chief of this country," said Texas Republican senator.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Cruz wants all political donation limits lifted

BARRINGTON, N.H. (AP) — Unlimited political cash would give rank-and-file conservative activists greater sway in picking their representatives, including the president, White House hopeful Ted Cruz told New Hampshire voters on Sunday.

Cruz, a first-term senator who represents Texas, said deep-pocketed donors should have the same rights to write giant campaign checks as voters have to put signs in their front yards. Both, Cruz said, were an example of political speech, and he added that "money absolutely can be speech."

"I believe everyone here has a right to speak out on politics as effectively as possible," Cruz told a voter who asked him about the role of the super-rich in politics.

Cruz, making his first trip to New Hampshire this year, was using a two-day visit to this early voting state to lay the groundwork for an expected presidential campaign. Three of the seven questions he took during a town hall-style meeting were statements encouraging him to run for president.

Cruz steadfastly insisted he was not yet a presidential candidate and said he was merely considering it. "I am looking at it very seriously," he said a day after making a campaign-style trip to South Carolina, another early nominating state.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
A Young Manager for Clinton Juggles Data and Old Baggage

Over more than two decades in national politics, the Clintons have amassed an army of well-meaning defenders who will bring to 2016 old battle wounds and axes to grind that date back to the White House and Arkansas — perhaps not the ideal message in a presumptive campaign that seeks to reintroduce the 67-year-old Mrs. Clinton as a fresh, forward-looking candidate.

It falls largely on Mr. Mook, and the band of young operatives he has assembled (called the Mook Mafia), to move the grievance-laden Clinton machine into the modern political age. The success of Mrs. Clinton’s campaign will rest in part on whether this younger generation of earnest, data- and social-media-savvy operatives can prevail.

“They are going to be the first ones to hit the beach on D-Day,” said Chris Lehane, a Democratic operative and former aide to Mr. Clinton. “To get the campaign off the beach while under fire, the front-line troops will need to be in charge and empowered to run a modern-day, forward looking, smart campaign.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Rubio is such a phony, I hope he has another embarrassing moment on live TV, like a couple years ago.
I wasn't aware that Bush III had "faded", his fundraising is still really strong.

Indeed he is a fraud. From the article
But the latest NBC News/WSJ poll gives some indication: More Republicans say they could see themselves supporting Rubio — a full 56 percent — than anybody else. Forty-nine percent said they could see themselves backing Bush. By the same token, the resistance to a Rubio candidacy is also lower than to a Bush candidacy: While 26 percent said they couldn’t see themselves supporting Rubio, 42 percent said so of Bush.

It's that the big timers are starting to realize they need to have a backup plan unless they can morph Bush out of what he is cuz half the party allegedly won't support him. They're likely hoping that Rube can be remodeled to fool the conservative base while maintaining the establishment status quo military machine foreign policy and fend off more conservatives from supporting Rand - which a primary concern for them. Walker's buzz has plateaued and has no where to go but down. Furthermore, months ago there was all this talk about having a Governor be the nominee because they have sooo much executive experience - hoping that line would sell with the party in order to be another negative on Rand. But, Christie faded, very few dig Bush and Walker is showing that he knows nothing about foreign policy so that whole line has been put on the back burner as they try to polish up Rube. We'll just have to see how short memories conservatives have and whether they'll take another liking to Rube despite his push for amnesty.
hero member
Activity: 1022
Merit: 500
They're going to do to Rand Paul the same thing they did to Ron Paul, it's that simple, I hope someone like Rand Paul does get elected but I've given up on the idea, if someone like Ron Paul came along regardless of his personal views on some things I'd vote for him for sure.
It's sad to see Ron Paul never make it into the presidency. I hope Rand can make it but im starting to believe the elections are rigged against anything that ends in Paul.

Ron Paul had a great run last time and Rand Paul has a lot of time in front of him and the correct attitude.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
With Bush faltering, Insider Buzz for Marco Grows
Are we on the cusp of a Rubio moment?

Everybody’s talking about Rubio.”  So says a top Republican operative who’s been in touch with nearly every potential presidential campaign, as well as with several top donors. 

Jeb Bush’s announcement in December launched both a fundraising juggernaut and an aggressive hiring spree, and Scott Walker’s speech in Iowa the following month lifted Walker to the top of national polls. But a little more than a month later, says the operative, “The Jeb boom is over and people are having second thoughts about Walker.” 

The beneficiary in terms of buzz is Marco Rubio, who now has many of the party’s top donors looking at him in a way they weren’t even a month ago. Though Rubio hasn’t made as much noise as his competitors as the 2016 campaign has gotten underway in earnest, his knowledgeable presentations and obvious political talent are nonetheless turning heads or, at least, enough of them. Rubio hasn’t made a big splash, neither building a “shock and awe” campaign like Bush nor delivering a marquee speech like Walker (who afterward seemed almost to be caught off guard by his rapid ascent). Instead, Rubio appears to be gambling on the idea that, in what is sure to be a long primary with a crowded field, a slow-and-steady approach will prevail.


Rubio is such a phony, I hope he has another embarrassing moment on live TV, like a couple years ago.
I wasn't aware that Bush III had "faded", his fundraising is still really strong.
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 501
They're going to do to Rand Paul the same thing they did to Ron Paul, it's that simple, I hope someone like Rand Paul does get elected but I've given up on the idea, if someone like Ron Paul came along regardless of his personal views on some things I'd vote for him for sure.
It's sad to see Ron Paul never make it into the presidency. I hope Rand can make it but im starting to believe the elections are rigged against anything that ends in Paul.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
With Bush faltering, Insider Buzz for Marco Grows
Are we on the cusp of a Rubio moment?

Everybody’s talking about Rubio.”  So says a top Republican operative who’s been in touch with nearly every potential presidential campaign, as well as with several top donors. 

Jeb Bush’s announcement in December launched both a fundraising juggernaut and an aggressive hiring spree, and Scott Walker’s speech in Iowa the following month lifted Walker to the top of national polls. But a little more than a month later, says the operative, “The Jeb boom is over and people are having second thoughts about Walker.” 

The beneficiary in terms of buzz is Marco Rubio, who now has many of the party’s top donors looking at him in a way they weren’t even a month ago. Though Rubio hasn’t made as much noise as his competitors as the 2016 campaign has gotten underway in earnest, his knowledgeable presentations and obvious political talent are nonetheless turning heads or, at least, enough of them. Rubio hasn’t made a big splash, neither building a “shock and awe” campaign like Bush nor delivering a marquee speech like Walker (who afterward seemed almost to be caught off guard by his rapid ascent). Instead, Rubio appears to be gambling on the idea that, in what is sure to be a long primary with a crowded field, a slow-and-steady approach will prevail.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Et tu, Rick? Gov. Perry Has Own Private Email Trail

While Rick Perry has joined Republicans casting stones at Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email account while she was secretary of state, it seems the former governor is not without sin.

Perry was among the first potential 2016 presidential candidates to chime in on revelations that Clinton conducted government business entirely on a personal email account. On Tuesday morning, Perry said the findings add to a “pattern ... of non-transparency” surrounding Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee for president in 2016.

“It’s an ethical issue that’s going to have to be addressed,” Perry said during an interview on Fox News, tying the issue to other revelations about theClinton Foundation takingmoney from foreign countries while she was the United States’ top diplomat.

However, Perry is no stranger to using a personal email account to discuss state business, according to two lawmakers familiar with email exchanges involving the governor that surfaced two years ago. The extent to which Perry used his personal account over the years in unclear, but legislators and open-government advocates said it seriously undercuts his criticism of Clinton.

“In reviewing non-confidential documents related to the UT Board of Regents investigation and reviewing public testimony by Regent [Brenda] Pejovich of the UT Board of Regents, it’s clear to me based on that review that then-Gov. Perry was using a private email account to communicate with members of the Board of Regents,” said state Rep. Trey Martinez Fischer, D-San Antonio, who sits on a special House panel on transparency in state government.

Oops Grin
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