
Topic: Slappy Statist Candidates for US President 2016 - page 8. (Read 17936 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Carly Fiorina to Announce She's Joining the Presidential Race (late April / early May)

Former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina is likely running for president and she will make an announcement in coming weeks, she confirmed Saturday morning to Fox & Friends. The comfy-couch-ridden hosts asked the one-time Republican U.S. Senate candidate about the now-infamous claims of a CEO that a woman simply cannot be president.

The presidency is best “left to a man, a good, strong, honorable man,” Texas marketing executive Cheryl Rios asserted last week to much media coverage. “The hormones we have make us not qualified to be president according to this woman?” Fox host Anna Kooiman asked Fiorina this morning.

“She’s obviously entitled to her opinion, but I think American history is littered with examples of men whose judgment was clouded by their hormones including in the Oval Office,” Fiorina responded, with a thinly-veiled jab at President Bill Clinton‘s White House infidelity. “If we want to talk about hormones, I think men’s hormones sometimes get the better of them.”

Asked to address Hillary Clinton‘s claims that women are naturally better leaders, Fiorina agreed, but took the opportunity to swipe at her potential opponent.

“Good leadership requires transparency and candor, which Hillary Clinton has not displayed,” the California former exec said. “I think it requires collaboration, which I don’t think she has particularly displayed. I think it also requires a track record of accomplishment — honestly she doesn’t have much.”

“I will probably be running for president in a few short weeks,” she quickly revealed, “and I also think that gender shouldn’t be the basis upon which we make that decision. That’s why if Hillary Clinton faces me on a general debate stage she won’t be able to talk about being the first woman president. She won’t be able to talk about the war on women. The only thing she’ll be able to talk about is her track record, her accomplishments, or lack thereof.”

Fiorina later added that she will probably make an announcement in late April or early May.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Jeb who?
Are we really going to have a serious shot at Bush III... ...vs Hillary?
How much does it cost to get into "Libertarian Island" with Roger Ver?

When this concept was originally floated, it was like having $400k in assets or purchasing ~$250k property but to my knowledge this is no longer an option. I wouldn't even know what you'd do for a living down there if you didn't have an operating business to bring w/ you.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Jeb compares the Bush political dynasty to the Adams family and acknowledges that he still needs to 'prove' himself to voters

Jeb Bush is his 'own man' and swears his polices aren't a carbon copy of his brother's or his father's  - but don't you dare speak ill of his family, or he'll take you out back and tell you what's what.

The son and brother of former presidents, the former Florida governor tried to tamp down uncertainty about his expected candidacy stemming from his family tree at a New Hampshire event tonight with humor as he again faced questions about the Bush political dynasty.

'I have enough self awareness to know that that is a oddity,' he said before telling the audience he realizes that if he moves forward with a presidential campaign he'll have to prove he isn't 'trying to break the tie between the Adams family and the Bush family.'

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LOL, I wasn't thinking about early American history, so I am sitting here wondering why he would mention The Addams Family.  Cheesy

Jeb who?
Are we really going to have a serious shot at Bush III... ...vs Hillary?
How much does it cost to get into "Libertarian Island" with Roger Ver?
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Jim Webb critiques Clinton-era foreign policy

Jim Webb laid out an implicit critique of two decades of Clinton foreign policy in Chicago on Wednesday night, saying the country has lacked strategic direction since Bill Clinton assumed the presidency.

He also took aim at the 2003 invasion of Iraq and the 2011 NATO intervention in Libya.

The former Democratic senator from Virginia continued to shy away from criticizing Hillary Clinton directly, as he has in recent months, but his critique amounted to one of the strongest contrasts he’s drawn between himself and Clinton to date.

“We really have not had a clear strategic doctrine since the end of the Cold War. I would say particularly since about 1993,” said Webb at an event at David Axelrod’s Institute of Politics at the University of Chicago. Left unsaid was the name of the president who took office that year: Bill Clinton.

Webb went on to talk about the toll of the Iraq War, citing an op-ed he wrote in 2002 warning that invading the country would be a “strategic blunder” — without referring to then-Sen. Hillary Clinton’s vote to authorize the invasion. President Barack Obama’s opposition to that war became a decisive distinction in his 2008 primary victory over Clinton.

Webb then said the administration’s response to the Arab Spring had set back the United States’ standing in the Middle East, singling out the U.S.-led intervention in Libya in particular. “Sure, [Muammar] Qadhafi was a bad guy, we understand that, but we had no treaties in place, we had no Americans at risk, we were not under any threat of attack,” he said.

Webb did not mention that Hillary Clinton, in her latest memoir, takes credit for shaping the U.S. decision to intervene in Libya as secretary of state. But Axelrod did, asking Webb after his remarks whether Libya would become an issue in a primary contest between the two. “Certainly it is a major policy distinction between what I was saying and what the administration was doing,” said Webb, who recounted his failed efforts to bring military action in Libya up for debate on the Senate floor.

Pressed again by Axelrod about whether Libya would become an issue should both he and Clinton run, Webb threw up his hands and responded, “Stay tuned.”
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Jeb compares the Bush political dynasty to the Adams family and acknowledges that he still needs to 'prove' himself to voters

Jeb Bush is his 'own man' and swears his polices aren't a carbon copy of his brother's or his father's  - but don't you dare speak ill of his family, or he'll take you out back and tell you what's what.

The son and brother of former presidents, the former Florida governor tried to tamp down uncertainty about his expected candidacy stemming from his family tree at a New Hampshire event tonight with humor as he again faced questions about the Bush political dynasty.

'I have enough self awareness to know that that is a oddity,' he said before telling the audience he realizes that if he moves forward with a presidential campaign he'll have to prove he isn't 'trying to break the tie between the Adams family and the Bush family.'

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Mike Huckabee to make 2016 presidential announcement

Mike Huckabee is going to make an announcement tonight on Fox News about his plans about a 2016 presidential race.

Hogan Gidley, an aide to the former Arkansas governor, tweeted that Huckabee will share make an announcement at 6 p.m. ET on Special Report with Bret Baier.

.@GovMikeHuckabee to reporters in DC: "If you watch @SpecialReport with @BretBaier tonight I'll make an announcement about my 2016 decision"
— J. Hogan Gidley (@JHoganGidley) April 17, 2015

Huckabee, who won the 2008 Iowa GOP caucuses, ended his show on Fox in January to explore another presidential campaign. The former governor, who is a favorite of evangelical voters, has said he would make a decision sometime in the spring.

Huckabee, talking with reporters, says watch him on Bret Baier tonight. Will indicate his time frame for making 2016 announcement.
— Alex Pappas (@AlexPappas) April 17, 2015
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Entitled: Hillary Clinton Parks In Handicap Spot (and she doesn't tip)

While Ms. Clinton could become the second oldest president in our nation’s history and has suffered some serious health issues, there is no record of her being so infirmed she is entitled to take a parking spot legally reserved for someone who legitimately needs it.

Rules are for little people.

While America’s lapdog media chases her like groupies and pretends that ordering a burrito bowl (without leaving a tips) somehow represents her ability to relate to the common man, the facts are that her events are staged, she is lying Elizabeth Warren-style about her heritage, and now the Champion of the People is stealing parking spaces from no less than the handicapped.

Maybe it is because seven years later Hillary is “in some ways tired.”

There was a youtube video of the parking situation but the local media (KETV) took the clip down. That's a testimony to the censorship that parts of the mainstream media bestow upon the ever so great hillary.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Chris Christie: I Will Crack Down And Not Permit Legal Marijuana as President

If New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) becomes president of the United States, he said on "The Hugh Hewitt Show" Tuesday, he will "crack down" on those states that have ended prohibitions on marijuana.

When asked by Hewitt if he would enforce federal drug laws in those states that have legalized and regulated cannabis, Christie responded unequivocally.

"Absolutely," Christie said. "I will crack down and not permit it."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
That broad: Same Sex Marriage Should be a Constitutional Right

In an apparent shift from comments last summer, Hillary Clinton is urging the Supreme Court to rule to allow same-sex couples nationwide to marry, calling it a “constitutional right.”

In a statement reported in the Washington Blade and confirmed to NBC News, campaign spokesperson Adrienne Elrod said: “Hillary Clinton supports marriage equality and hopes the Supreme Court will come down on the side of same-sex couples being guaranteed that constitutional right.”

That seems to be a shift for Clinton, who made headlines in June of last year for appearing to suggest in a contentious interview with NPR that she believes the issue of same-sex marriage is best handled on a state-by-state basis.

In that interview, Clinton conceded that, like the president, she had not supported gay marriage during her previous presidential run.

But, she added, “just because you’re a politician, doesn’t mean you’re not a thinking human being. And you gather information. You think through positions. You’re not 100 percent set – thank goodness – you’re constantly reevaluating where you stand. That was true for me.”
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Marco Rubio wants to double down on the most disastrous decade in U.S. foreign policy history

On Monday, Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio kicked off his presidential campaign with a firm denunciation of the politicians stuck in the “ideas of the past.” Referring to Hillary Clinton as a candidate “promising to take us back to yesterday,” he declared that “yesterday is over, and we are never going back.” But in calling for “a new American Century” – the slogan of his campaign – Rubio is embracing a foreign policy that is both backward-looking and stubbornly resistant to historical insight.

“The American Century” is a slogan with a long history. Almost 75 years ago magazine publisher Henry Luce coined the phrase in an influential essay for Life magazine. In that essay, he upbraided Americans for failing to take up the mantle of global leadership that he believed was not only their right but their responsibility.
Yet by the mid-1990s, conservative foreign policymakers were anxious. The U.S. was the world’s sole superpower in the wake of the Cold War. Despite this, policymakers in Washington seemed unwilling to exert upon the world the full impact of American influence, as Luce had urged. So in 1997, a group of conservatives that included Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, launched a new organization: the Project for the New American Century.

...It's statement of principles laid out three pillars upon which the new American century would be built: “a military that is strong and ready to meet both present and future challenges; a foreign policy that boldly and purposefully promotes American principles abroad; and national leadership that accepts the United States' global responsibilities.”

These are exactly the principles Rubio laid out in his speech on Monday. And that’s a big problem, because the authors of the Project for the New American Century's statement of principles were also the architects of America’s disastrous war in Iraq. There has never been a genuine reckoning with this legacy in the Republican Party. Though it cost the GOP the 2006 and 2008 elections, the party’s neoconservative wing has not only remained intact but has continued to dominate its foreign policy vision.

In calling for a new American century, Rubio is doubling down on those reckless principles. That he can openly embrace the ideas that led to the most disastrous decade in U.S. foreign policy history shows how little the GOP has learned from the failures of the last decade, and how calcified its foreign policy thinking has become.

What’s worse, there is little likelihood that Rubio will have to account for the disastrous effects of the foreign policy he is championing. ... as the leading neoconservative voice in the race, Rubio should explain how his policies would differ from those of Rumsfeld and Cheney, and how he will lead the nation into the future while still peddling the failed policies of the past.
Activity: 3752
Merit: 1217
Clinton is going to be the Democrat candidate. And that is 99.9999% certain. The only speculation is about the GOP candidate. The GOP guys will fight with each other and indulge in mudslinging for the most part of 2016, and by that time Billary will be miles ahead.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Could Another Democrat Beat Hillary Clinton? Strategists Offer a Blueprint

She has been called inevitable. The can’t-be-stopped candidate. Hillary Rodham Clinton is such an overwhelming favorite in presidential primary polls that most prominent Democrats are taking a pass on challenging her.

But politics can be an unpredictable business, and those of us covering the campaign have been wondering: Is there any way a Democratic challenger could beat Hillary Rodham Clinton?

We asked three of the smartest Democratic strategists we know to imagine this situation: You are running the campaign of a liberal Democrat against Mrs. Clinton. You have $50 million to spend. What is your message? How do you run against her?

The strategists agreed to sketch out a blueprint anonymously, so as not to anger Mrs. Clinton. Some common themes immediately emerged.


"The strategists agreed to sketch out a blueprint anonymously, so as not to anger Mrs. Clinton."
Does anyone see a problem with that?
"Oh, we cannot risk getting the queen angry!"
Anybody remember Whitewater?
Activity: 3108
Merit: 1359
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Could Another Democrat Beat Hillary Clinton? Strategists Offer a Blueprint

She has been called inevitable. The can’t-be-stopped candidate. Hillary Rodham Clinton is such an overwhelming favorite in presidential primary polls that most prominent Democrats are taking a pass on challenging her.

But politics can be an unpredictable business, and those of us covering the campaign have been wondering: Is there any way a Democratic challenger could beat Hillary Rodham Clinton?

We asked three of the smartest Democratic strategists we know to imagine this situation: You are running the campaign of a liberal Democrat against Mrs. Clinton. You have $50 million to spend. What is your message? How do you run against her?

The strategists agreed to sketch out a blueprint anonymously, so as not to anger Mrs. Clinton. Some common themes immediately emerged.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Marco Rubio's "supportive" Billionaire Buddy~

Braman, the billionaire philanthropist, history buff and civic activist who four years ago orchestrated the ouster of a Miami-Dade County mayor, plans to bet big on Rubio as the Republican senator prepares for a 2016 presidential run. Braman won't say how much he could donate to Rubio's likely campaign, but the number is said to be around $10 million.

This eye-popping investment could signal conservative groups, including the Club for Growth and uncommitted donors such as Las Vegas casino billionaire Sheldon Adelson, to keep open minds — and wallets — toward Rubio. Their support could give him the financial prowess to stay in the race for the long haul if, as expected, Rubio declares his candidacy next month.

"He knows the odds, and I know the odds, but when he comes in contact with individuals, he's impressive," Braman said in a recent interview at his office on the second floor of his Biscayne Boulevard car dealership. "I think he's catching fire already."

Rubio declined to be interviewed through spokeswoman Brooke Sammon, who said the senator has "known Braman for years, and he values their friendship and appreciates his support." Braman, through his charity foundation, also employs Rubio's wife, Jeanette.

Despite their age difference — Braman is 82 and Rubio is 43 — the two friends speak occasionally, either on the phone or by text messages, Braman said. He insisted he doesn't weigh in on policy matters, though Braman, who is Jewish, cares deeply about Israel, and Rubio, who is Catholic, has emerged as an outspoken Israel hawk.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Marco Rubio may have presidential announcement date: April 13 at Freedom Tower

Marco Rubio has reserved the Freedom Tower in downtown Miami for an undisclosed event April 13, which appears to be a potential, if not likely, spot for Florida’s junior senator to announce his candidacy for president.

A Rubio adviser stressed nothing has been nailed down for any kind of announcement, but the timing makes sense: Likely presidential candidate Rand Paul is expected to make things official April 7, followed by a five-day, five-state announcement tour, so Rubio presumably would not want to share the spotlight during that period.

All-but-announced candidate Jeb Bush appears to be in no rush to shift more formally into campaign mode, but Texas Sen. Ted Cruz made his announcement this week, and Democrat Hillary Clinton is expected to make her campaign announcement in April as well, though nothing has been set.

Rubio, 43, has been preparing for a potential presidential run for at least a year. While behind in most early polls, he has generated considerable buzz as a top-tier contender who offers the party a fresh face, foreign policy experience, charisma and substance.

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Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ted Cruz: Don’t let ‘anti-science zealotry’ shutdown GMOs

Sen. Ted Cruz said Saturday that the nation should push back against the “hysteria” over food made with genetically modified organisms, saying these innovations in science should be celebrated for the positive impact they’ve had both at home and abroad.

Speaking the Iowa Agricultural Summit, Mr. Cruz said he is sick of politicians “blowing smoke” in Washington and vowed that Iowans have no bigger ally then him when it comes to pushing back against the federal government.

Mr. Cruz said GMOs helped to provide food for people across the globe and strengthen farms across the nation. He said that people who oppose GMOs and want to buy organic food can do that.


While I agree with his statement that GMOs provide cheaper food for the poorer folks, I don't hold w/ the corporate games that the likes of Monsantos play on these people.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Digging on Walker has begun: Walker & Dark Money Politics

John Menard Jr. is widely known as the richest man in Wisconsin. A tough-minded, staunchly conservative 75-year-old billionaire, he owns a highly profitable chain of hardware stores throughout the Midwest. He’s also famously publicity-shy — rarely speaking in public or giving interviews.

So a little more than three years ago, when Menard wanted to back Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker — and help advance his pro-business agenda — he found the perfect way to do so without attracting any attention: He wrote more than $1.5 million in checks to a pro-Walker political advocacy group that pledged to keep its donors secret, three sources directly familiar with the transactions told Yahoo News.

Menard’s previously unreported six-figure contributions to the Wisconsin Club for Growth — a group that spent heavily to defend Walker during a bitter 2012 recall election — seem to have paid off for the businessman and his company. In the past two years, Menard’s company has been awarded up to $1.8 million in special tax credits from a state economic development corporation that Walker chairs, according to state records.

And in his five years in office, Walker’s appointees have sharply scaled back enforcement actions by the state Department of Natural Resources — a top Menard priority. The agency had repeatedly clashed with Menard and his company under previous governors over citations for violating state environmental laws and had levied a $1.7 million fine against Menard personally, as well as his company, for illegally dumping hazardous wastes.

Secret $1.5 million donation from Wisconsin billionaire uncovered in Scott Walker dark-money probe
John Menard Jr. at the NASCAR Busch Series Meijer 300 at the Kentucky Speedway in 2006 (Photo: Joe Robbins/NASCAR/Getty Images)

“This, in a nutshell, is what’s wrong with the dark-money world we live in,” said Bill Allison, senior fellow at the Sunlight Foundation, a Washington-based based nonprofit group that tracks the influence of money in politics. “Here’s somebody who obviously has issues before the state, and he’s able to make a backdoor contribution that nobody ever sees. My sense is [political] insiders know about these contributions. It’s only the public that has no idea.” Menard did not respond to email and phone requests from Yahoo News for comment about his contributions. (His company’s spokesman, Jeff Abbott, said he was not authorized to speak for the company’s owner and could not respond, either.)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Jeb Bush's Matt Drudge problem and why he ticks off so many conservatives

Jeb Bush has a serious Matt Drudge problem, and that points to a more fundamental electoral problem.

Among the most prominent headlines Thursday evening: POLL: 54% WANT FRESH FACES IN '16....NH voters pan Bush...Jeb Still Refuses to Rule Out Tax Hikes...

The prior Friday, during his New Hampshire debut as a likely 2016 presidential candidate, much of the mainstream media was gushing over Bush's substance, his accessibility and his refusal to pander to the right on issues like immigration reform. But Drudge offered these headlines: RUBIO ON RISE...JEB STRUGGLES FROM WITHIN...Says his view on immigration is 'grown-up plan'...WALKER: 'WE NEED NAME FROM FUTURE, NOT PAST'...

Drudge, a Miami resident and registered independent voter, does not pick the Republican nominee, of course, although he was consistently kind to Mitt Romney in 2012. However, his immensely popular website helps shape the conversation among Republican activists and reporters covering the race.

Combined with the nearly universal skepticism or outright hostility to Bush from other Republican-leaning media outlets from the Weekly Standard to Rush Limbaugh and, Drudge's Bush treatment underscores a significant obstacle to the former Florida governor with the potential to grow even bigger.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Jeb Bush's Talk Radio Problem

He’s not a conservative.” That’s Rush Limbaugh talking about Jeb Bush. “The ideal, the perfect ticket, for the 2016 election: Hillary Clinton, Jeb Bush. Now, they can figure out who’s on top of the ticket on their own, but when you compare their positions, Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush, on the key, important issues, they are two peas in the same pod.” That, too.

“You know what Jeb Bush is? He’s an old-time liberal Republican.” That’s Mark Levin.

“If I had to bet right now, he’d be the nominee; and if I had to bet right now, he’ll lose.” And that’s Laura Ingraham.

This is what people mean when they say the man who would be the third Bush president has a talk radio problem. He has a talk radio problem, conservative activist and writer Brent Bozell said, because he has “a conservative problem.” He has a talk radio problem, Ingraham said, because he has an “electability” problem. “To me,” Ingraham told POLITICO, “Jeb is the easiest candidate for Hillary to beat by far because he divides the GOP at a time when we need a candidate who unifies the party. … He’s made it fairly clear that he believes he can win without conservatives.” The way Glenn Beck has put it: “I think Jeb Bush … despises people like us.”

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