Yeah because it's connected - POS minting to POW and POB mining. Because of this diff is now artfically high for POW and POB, and blocks are almost exclusivly for POS, because some quite big stakers are now staking. It should be managed other way, because distrubtion of power now is too much favour of POS minters (even if it will be for short time). Without pool with solo mining only I mined today only 24SLM which is laughable with hardware which I have (1x FX 8320 4.5ghz, 1x i5 6400 4ghz, 1x i7 2670qm).
And this type of staking (once in the year) dont help network at all - because it means that once they staked blocks, they are turning off, which means that network health is mainly in the hands of POW and POB miners.
And with POS I would gain like hunders or thousands of SLM today, with right amount.
Turning of miners should occur, because it doesnt make sense now to mine blocks, with such low rewards. And if there will be only little power in POW and POB, rebalancing will be faster.
And thus for the understanding also - POW miners are making hard work (thus should be rewarded greatly than POS minters), the same applicant to POB miners - they invest in virtual rigs to mine to have from them rewards - thus burning coins - it's costy for them also. POS minters are only sitting on their coins and do (almost) nothing. Thus this state cant be take much longer and if it will - it wont be good for health of Slimcoin, because POS minters cant be less trusted that, POW and for sure POB - POB miners are the most trusted, because they invested to get rewards, so they will remain till the end.
Most likely this is one staker, but what would happen if for example 10 or 20 people start to stake?
I don't know what would happen... Maybe the diff for POS would increased dramatically, and there will be balance in the end?
Strange enough - number of nodes is getting smaller (only 35 now, was 45-47 a few hours ago), but nethash isn't going down so much (around 2.9-3MH/s, for now).
I hope and truly speak to POW miners - turn off your machines, now, because you can't compete, with such big POS staker, which wasn't staking for so long time.
Or someone had found and now is now exploiting a bug with POS minting, but it doesn't seem likely, but still - this is very strange, because I thought, distrubtion of power in coin, was very good managed. History of not staking for very long time, should be erased too - like if you don't stake for, a few weeks, one month - it doesn't matter that you didn't - you shouldn't get rewards, like from one or two years behind, because you didn't contribute to the network nothing, and I think most of you will agree with me. Because now if someone has like 500K-1M or more SLM (there are a few personalities like this I think, maybe 2-3, but there are), is now having to great effect on distrubtion with events like this.
Blockchain or ACME is having a problem now - because like a lot of nodes are disconnected, I see.