For me no fee doesnt make the transaction faster or reverse i think it just take time making a confirmation in the transactions.
Maybe it depend in what bitcoin wallet you are using and there system the transaction depend on them when it connect in blockchain.
Taking an hour receiving transactions are just normal so better just be patient.
You have mistaken, the fee that you put up on your transactions
determines how fast your bitcoins will get confirmed.
It is because the "mining fee" is a reward for people, who are confirming your transactions, obviously not for free.
You can get confirmations even very quick, but you need to spend some money for that, because last months, the commision for miners is pretty high.
For example, you may put up 0.002 fee on 0.3 transaction ( one input ), which will result that the money sent by you are going to be confirmed very fast.
I recommend you using website.