For now, you can comment-put line 167.
#phoenixMiner=`locate | grep -vi svn`
Then after install, you will have to:
1) In the controll screen, go to configure miners->Add and add an instance of phoenix. Make sure your path is good, and use a launch string like:
python <#path#> -v -u http://<#user#>:<#pass#>@<#server#>:<#port#>/ -k phatk device=<#device#> worksize=128 vectors aggression=11 bfi_int fastloop=false
That should get you up and running until I make some changes to the installer.
Just give it a try, its actually not too hard!
Everyone else:
Just thought I would make you all jealous by telling you that the new Failover system is soooo fun! I've been testing it by manually setting a new flag in the database, and its working great!
To finish it off, I need to:
A) Make a new function which sets the flag when a profile fails/returns to normal
B) Make a new control screen option which allows you to set failover order of profiles. (it will order by 1) Priority and then 2) order in which the profile was created.