The Yuan is about one shake away from total failure as a currency as more and more of it has been printed and injected into the economy, which is essentially all debt based, and the check is coming due. Once their giant debt and housing bubbles explode, it will likely set off a chain reaction off the burst of all other economies as China's import needs are slashed as this megaconstruction will cease to exist in an instant, putting their global suppliers out of business. Those laid off employees will be unable to afford their homes, the mortgage bubbles around the world will implode, sending several industries spiraling out of control under loads of debt. This would fuel the Healthcare, student debt, and housing crisis brewing in the US until it has no choice but to default, rendering the USD worthless instantly. The Euro has already been teetering on edge, and a full collapse would spell the doom of Euro also. We'll all watch the entire world tear itself apart, setting the stage for possible martial law across the globe, maybe the first step to the New World Order or something similar occurring (Joe Biden used the exact words New World Order a couple days ago, as have many other Presidents and VPs over the years, what do you think they meant?), under the guise of benevolence. Hope for the best, but DO prepare for the worst, as many leading economists as well as the super wealthy elite are running for the hills, and that is not a good sign.
I've never been much of a Doomsayer, but all of that above is happening right now and can be checked factually, and a lot of smart people see it coming, (predicted the 2008 crash with accuracy)
Get some BTC, as it might be the only currency left on Earth actually worth something soon. As the technology is robust enough to be rapidly deployed on computers and smartphones, it may well be our financial Jesus as it vacuums up the damage and converts it to a debt free economy. Once all other currencies vanish in the fire, so will the debt of those currencies. We would all be free on a cash based society again where we are our own banks and the Governments and banks lose control of the money supply. Back in our hands where it belongs.
Other countries are getting away from the Dollar as it's value is inflating and probably will more rapidly as time goes on now with USD debt spiraling out of control.
So no, it's not looking good...2013 could very well bring literal financial doom to our doorsteps around the world, unless something is quickly done about it 5 minutes ago. I have no faith that it will be fixed because at this point statistically and by the numbers, we as a global society cannot repay our debts in full, ever. The only choice is to start over and admit failure.
There is a coming currency war, and Bitcoin is our big gun. Bring it on