What are some things you'd like to see in a social network that would make your experience even better?
example ... No ads / No "feed" / better messaging system using better encryption
Social network and media has played quite a role in almost everything to date. News, rumors, products, business,
celebrities, establishments, advertisements, communication, innovations and investments. At it's infancy years it
really made so much that you can actually see and feel the aftereffects of being connected. But years later, I find
it so much as a nuisance at some point with all the fake news, scares and other senseless stuff that make your life
sad, questionable and depressing. Privacy seems to be one of those things that are at stake these days. Social
media has become an addiction, an unhealthy psychological dilemma and even an emotional turmoil to some people.
People are aware of such issues and the negative consequences if such a platform is exploited and recklessly abused.