So even if you compile the source, if you can't trust me and others to not be nefarious the network will do whatever those binaries want.
You mean that once we get to read your source code, we won't trust you anymore not to be nefarious?
The only reason so many seriously have this problem with SolidCoin is because they are afraid of what it represents to Bitcoin.
Correct. SolidCoin represents a shame for Bitcoin, and a reputational risk we are all afraid about.
We don't want to get the fallout when it goes bust.
Think about it, if SC really was a stinking pile of crap like many here say it is, why would they waste 500 pages filling it with their anti SC propaganda?
Perhaps because most of these 500 pages belong to threads full of deceiptful advertising started by SC trolls on bitcointalk forum.
Your logic works the other way round : if SC really was a shiny pile of goodness like SC fanboys say it is, why would they need to waste 500 pages filling the forum with their pro SC progaganda?
If you don't want bad advertisement, stop spamming this forum to try to gain traction, and do your own business on your side with your own customer base.
If I was a bad developer why would people create thread after thread discussing me.
Seriously, you need to see a doctor.
If the product was crap it would die out.
But it
is dying out...
Yet here we stand, 3 months later, with a growing network
A growing network in terms of what? Number of coins generated?
Because your hashrate is melting, so I assume you must not be referring to that, are you?
the most features of any cryptocurrency, multiwallet, mining in the client, minipooling, 51% protected, low block variance, list goes on.
Solidcoin is
not a distributed cryptocurrency, and it has nothing to do on this forum.
If we are to accept that any application developer comes and advertise here just because he has a feature-rich graphical app, we are going to be talking about Angry Birds in no time.
These are all features EVERY SolidCoin user knows is in the client because they're using it right now.
Good for them.