Only reason people couldn't see the original source was because it had proprietary code that gave RS access to certain aspects of the network incase of attack. This has already been discussed several times. This whole notion that "IF WE DON'T HAVE SOURCE FROM START, IT'S USELESS NOTION" is complete garbage fabricated simply to troll a good project.
This is the dumbest shit I've read in a long time. How can you write off 'proprietary access' as 'omg that's just trolling'. Were you dropped on your head as a child? It's not 'trolling' to point out that your dear leader had/has proprietary access on a LIVE FUCKING MONETARY SYSTEM.
Secondly, and note that I'm not that tech minded - how do we know that the source code that's being released is the same as the code that's running on the trust nodes? That is to say (concerming the 12m+ premine), even though you pass out source that says 'oh these wallets can't spend anything', what's to prevent the trust nodes from running code that says 'these wallets are 100% spendable'. I mean, that's the point of the 'trust nodes', right? To have authority on what's allowed in the blockchain?
2. The trusted nodes require to be ran on the same exact source as everyone else. You can verify this by checking the public keys in the source. The public keys of the trusted nodes are in the client to prevent them from spending the money. This way every client knows that transactions from these addresses are not legit and automatically refuse them. Therefore these balances can never be spent.
3. Also you need to learn the difference between "pre-mining" and actually creating balances within the genesis block. None of the trusted node balances were "pre-mined", they were once-again created from inside the genesis block.