If each pattern is meant to represent a number, and those numbers were then intended to represent a letter, then we could be looking at another sentence.
These two patterns each occur seven times:
If this is intended to spell out a sentence in the English language, then it would seem likely that those two particular patterns represent vowels, frequently used consonants, or word separators.
Since the "XXX.....................X......................X" pattern occurs consecutively (lines 52 and 53) it seems likely that it does NOT represent a word separator or the vowels A, I, or U.
So, perhaps "XXX.....................X......................X" either represents the letter E or the letter O?
Since the "XXXXXXXXXXXX..........X....X....X....X....X...X." pattern never occurs consecutively, it could be a vowel, a frequently used consonant. or a word separator. If it is a word separator, then the sentence is made up of 8 words each with the following number of letters:
5, 9, 6, 7, 2, 14, 12
That's quite a few long words, so if it's a sentence then I'm leaning more towards it being a frequently used vowel, and that the sentence doesn't have any word separators.
Yesterday I tried to analyze the patterns that way. I used cryptograms solvers and found nothing.
I also tried manually. Using the most frequent letters of the English, but is very difficult. There are many different patterns, as if apart from letters are also numbers or symbols.
I do not know...