The hard truth is that Satoshi is "North American, " if that's still in question.
We took some time to analyse, simple grammatical structures used, in his various 575 variants of informal posts. Here what we found.
'"-disablesafemode",' - post 1. English (UK) version - "-disablesafemode, "
"realized" - post 15. English (UK) version - "realised"
"criticized" - post 20. English (UK) version - "criticised"
"minimized" - post 525. English (UK) version - "minimised"
I'm certain we could use this same trick to triangulate his location, but, that task is for someone else to accomplish - if at all necessary.
From bitcoin.pdf at bitcoin. org
"realizes" — English (UK) version — "realises"
"characterized"— English (UK) version — "characterised"
'"tape",' — English (UK) version — "tape,"
"we propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer distributed" - use of we (group of people)
"we propose begins with a timestamp server" - use of we (group of people)
"we will need to use a proof-of-work system similar to Adam Back's Hashcash [6]," - use of we (group of people)
"we don't care about later attempts to double-spend" - use of we (group of people)
"We define an electronic coin as a chain of digital signatures." - use of we (group of people)
We did not find any evidence of the letter I; The final references on the white paper suggests someone else "we, " was involved in the research and documentation of this paper — at least someone that seems to be from UK.
what if he uses tools such as Google translator