So it's better not to share this with many people, even if they are your close friends, because other things that you don't want can also happen to your own business. And you can also provide other options such as the best suggestions that your friends can try instead of telling them about the income you have earned. So it's better for you to just run your business diligently and if someone asks you about how to be successful, just give them advice or a little knowledge that they can develop themselves.
Unless you’re not proud of where you are earning from, or you gat yourself mixed up in some illegal activity and your proud about. We rise by lifting others, I guess this is not a new phrase. The help you show today might save you tomorrow and if not you, your children can benefit from them. Pitch them, if they show no interest in doing what you’re doing then fine, you can’t force a man to bake his own bread. But if they show interest, gladly show. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t mean you just accept strangers to your circle. It advisable you keep your circle small but sophisticated, you even make better when you work with your circle especially if y’all in the same line of business. It very nice when I see childhood friends become successful together.