< genjix> someone fucked up and lost ALOT of money
< joepie91> how come it's irretrievable?
< shockdiode> was just checking that out
< genjix> https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/someone-fucked-up-and-lost-alot-of-money-50206
< shockdiode> http://blockexplorer.com/block/0000000000000449ee5b94ba7a051caffff5c23d6a03335f6e20e3985b5ffa61
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< necrodearia> genjix, interesting. In what way is it irretrievable?
< genjix> you cant spend them?
< shockdiode> this seems like a real flaw in the protocol
< shockdiode> those are basically just not getting sent to any address - no address/pubkey in the output
< shockdiode> so it seems it should be designed so that the sender is able to recover those
< genjix> shockdiode: no it isn't
< shockdiode> i know it isn't
< shockdiode> i'm saying it seems like it should be that way to me
< shockdiode> seems like an oversight
< genjix> i disagree though
< shockdiode> oh?
< genjix> someone was using a hacked/custom version of bitcoin
< shockdiode> reasoning? i'm sure you've thought this out much better than i have so am genuinely curious
< genjix> they messed up their output script and lost
< joepie91> shouldn't this have been rejected by the rest of the network as an invalid transaction?
< joepie91> seeing as it doesn't have a recipient
< shockdiode> right that's basically what i'm saying
< genjix> well output scripts are supposed to give you the power to make many different special transactions
< genjix> but it's a sharp knife
< genjix> someone just put their address as 0 in the standard tx type
< genjix> joepie91: no it doesnt fail because it's a perfectly valid tx
< joepie91> what is the purpose of sending a transaction without a recipient?
< joepie91> why is it?
< genjix> ok do you think they should make programming languages where you cannot have a logic error?
< da2ce7> lol
< da2ce7> genjix you should quickly spend em'
< da2ce7> then give them back to mtgox ;P
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< genjix>
< shockdiode> so basically looks like someone (gox afaik) screwed up on their output scripts...
< joepie91> if there is no purpose for a transaction without recipient, and the only effects it can have appear to be negative effects
< joepie91> then why should it be considered a valid tx?
< genjix> shockdiode: seems so.
< genjix> joepie91: because the scripting facility is a near full fledged programming language where you can do many things but the bitcoin protocol doesn't tell you what you can or cannot do
< genjix> albeit it is largely disabled for security reasons (checksig ddos) but that's the idea.
< shockdiode> hrm... but shoudn't anything with outputs to address 0 be considered invalid?
< joepie91> ^
< joepie91> I know that it CAN be done
< joepie91> but should it be ALLOWED to be done?
< joepie91> I mean, in most languages you cannot multiply a string either
< genjix> there's tons of shit you can do that isnt valid
< genjix> why try to ban it
< joepie91> then why is it not considered invalid?
< genjix> what about if i try to send to 000000000000000000000000001
< joepie91> because that prevents issues like these?
< joepie91> seems like a pretty good reason
< joepie91> to try and implement safeguards/checks against it
< genjix> nope bad idea
< joepie91> why?
< joepie91> why would you NOT implement it?
< genjix> scripting system is supposed to be basic, simple and highly flexible
< genjix> if you want to implement a type safe language on top then go ahead
< joepie91> that does not answer my question
< joepie91> why would you not implement it?
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< genjix> bitcoin scripting = assembly language
< joepie91> that still does not answer my question
< genjix> pointless. you cannot protect against every strange thing people want to do
< genjix> it is folly
< joepie91> this is about one of the most obvious mistakes
< joepie91> that can be made
< joepie91> there is all reason to at least implement basic protections against things like these
< joepie91> and no reason not to
< joepie91> your arguments so far come down to "it's the law because it's the law"
< genjix> im totally against adding any restrictions to the scripting language
< joepie91> _why?_
< genjix> no rules
< joepie91> come up with a concrete reason
< genjix> because you start piling on lots and lots of rules to muddy the standard and then somewhere down the line you wonder how you got into this bureaucratic mess
< joepie91> this is more a bureaucratic mess than anything
< joepie91> "it's not like that because it's not supposed to be like that"
< genjix> a good standard is simple and elegant. it's not the job of the standard to try to protect people by implementing safeguards
< genjix> that's the job of the application developer
< joepie91> lolno
< genjix> HTML does not legislate rules to protect web servers
< joepie91> it is the job of the standard if that standard is responsible for collective bookkeeping that affects other users
< joepie91> and not just itself
< genjix> that's the job of the web server software themselves to not have flaws.
< joepie91> implementing a disapproval of miners of transactions without a recipient has ZERO negative consequences
< joepie91> NOT implementing it DOES have consequences
< joepie91> as we can see here
< joepie91> genjix: bad analogy
< genjix> someone misused bitcoin. not our fault.
< shockdiode> eh, well he's got a good point
< joepie91> HTML has zero to do with webservers
< joepie91> whatsoever
< joepie91> HTML is fully client-side interpreted
< shockdiode> it is up to the developer to check their shit
< joepie91> the webserver just sends out data, it doesn't give a shit whether it's XML, HTML, text, or an MP3
< joepie91> shockdiode, the issue here is that the implementation does NOT only affect those that use that specific implementation
< joepie91> but the entire network
< genjix> i dont want people stuffing crap into bitcoin. if gavin wants to implementing scoring for disconnecting nodes, i might not like that but it's ok since i don't have to do it.
< joepie91> also those that do NOT choose to use said implementation
< joepie91> and that is where the problem lies
< genjix> he thinks it makes the network more secure. i disagree
< genjix> but if that was a standard.
< genjix> then fuck me.
< joepie91> genjix: that can have negative consequences
< joepie91> the change I proposed does not
< joepie91> if it does, feel free to point out a concrete negative consequence
< genjix> yes it does have negative consequences.
< genjix> maybe not today.
< joepie91> ok, point it out
< joepie91> point it out
< joepie91> point out a negative consequence
< joepie91> a concrete negative consequence
< genjix> read this article: http://www.aosabook.org/en/bdb.html
< joepie91> that is not an answer to my question
< genjix> take it from someone who has worked on projects with millions and millions of lines of code
< joepie91> I don't care
< joepie91> name. a. concrete. negative. consequence.
< genjix> you don't tack shit on mindlessly *right* now
< joepie91> I value what people say, not who they are
< genjix> it is purely reactionary.
< joepie91> name a concrete negative consequence.
< joepie91> name one.
< genjix> that it is stopping me using the scripting system how *I* want to use it
< joepie91> how is that a negative consequence if you doing so would hurt the network as a whole?
< genjix> there are a near infinite number of different variations of scripts that can cause me to put my bitcoins into a black hole
< genjix> we cannot legislate to protect everybody
< joepie91> sure, and this one is so obvious it would be trivial to protect against it
< genjix> which this essentially is.
< joepie91> it's not a valid argument
< genjix> rules to try to coddle bad developers.
< joepie91> name a negative consequence - and I am talking about negative consequences for the network as a whole, not one individual user
< genjix> or well developers mistakes (we all make mistakes
< genjix> negative consequences - a hugely muddled and bloated standard
< joepie91> you're avoiding the point and have still not named a negative consequence that affects the network as a whole
< joepie91> that is not a concrete negative consequence
< genjix> yes it is
< joepie91> 'do not accept transactions without a recipient' is one line of text
< joepie91> that's it
< genjix> and 8 lines of code
< joepie91> calling that 'hugely muddled and bloated' is a MASSIVE exxaggeration
< genjix> now add another 100 of those
< joepie91> we are talking about this specific change
< genjix> 1000 lines of code and an extra month of work
< joepie91> not about 100 others
< joepie91> those 100 others only exist on your side of the conversation
< genjix> why are you scriptist?
< joepie91> this discussion is about transactions without a recipient and only about transactions without a recipient
< genjix> all bad scripts are equal
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* joepie91 sighs
< genjix> we need to try to stop all of them
< joepie91> we are talking about ONE SPECIFIC CHANGE right now
< joepie91> not about 235018235601720681203967102936 potential imaginary future changes
< joepie91> name a concrete negative consequence that affects the network as a whole for THAT one specific change
< genjix> poor software
< joepie91> note the keyword concrete
< genjix> you are behaving like people who say X is bad, government needs to ban X
< joepie91> so, we can conclude that there are no concrete negative consequences that affect the network as a whole for that specific change?
< genjix> let people autonomously find their own way to protect against it
< joepie91> so, we can conclude that there are no concrete negative consequences that affect the network as a whole for that specific change?
< genjix> it only affects developers not users (ideally)
< genjix> your words, not mine.
< joepie91> yes or no?
< joepie91> it was a question
< genjix> yea-no.
< joepie91> seriously, stop dancing around it
< joepie91> if you cannot come up with a concrete consequence then just say you can't come up with one
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< joepie91> I've been asking you for what? 15 minutes now?
< genjix> miners set policy about what they accept
< joepie91> and you have not been able to give even ONE concrete negative consequence that fits the description I gave
< genjix> there is no rules on what they can put in the blockchain
< joepie91> and yes, you can trail off on another discussion now and try to divert the subject
< joepie91> to not have to admit that you cannot name a negative consequence
< genjix> and the software currently does NO checking of scrpts
< genjix> scripts
< joepie91> but I'm not going to bite into tjhat
< joepie91> that*
< genjix> you want to change ALL of that
< joepie91> are you even reading what I am saying/
< joepie91> ?*
< genjix> reshape the network. have a gigantic overhaul to implement a new standard.
< joepie91> I guess not then.
< genjix> ok.
< joepie91> did you read what I said above?
< genjix> the bad thing is that it compromises network architecture and the very foundation and ideas of bitcoin itself as well as being bureaucratically infeasible and a path towards a complicated and bloated standard (which is not what we want).
< joepie91> .......
< genjix> if i want to write to address 0 in c++ then I can
< genjix> the program doesn't try to stop me.
< genjix> and why should it? it's MY code. i do wateva the f i want
< genjix> bitcoin script IS code
< joepie91> it does not 'compromise network architecture', does not compromise the idea of bitcoin (this is a solely technical limitation, not a usage limitation), I cannot see how it would be bureaucratically infeasible, and 'towards a complicated and bloated standard' is a slippery slope fallacy.
< genjix> yes it does. how do you want to enforce all the miners to accept this new rule?
< joepie91> you don;t
< joepie91> you don't*
< genjix> then how can you make it invalid
< joepie91> did you see me say anywhere
< joepie91> ?
< joepie91> because I didn't
< genjix> yeah that's how you enforce rules
< joepie91> because if it is a standard and is implemented over time, that will naturally happen
< joepie91> I never said ANYTHING about enforcing rules
< joepie91> anywhere
< joepie91> whatsoever
< genjix> umm bitcoin is a set of rules
< joepie91> every miner for himself can decide whether he wants to accept those transactions or not
< joepie91> with no address
< joepie91> I do not see any issue with that
< genjix> which is what has happened now
< genjix> im cool with that
< joepie91> yet, noone seems to have implemented it
< joepie91> because it isn't put down anywhere
-!- ThomasV [~ThomasV@unaffiliated/thomasv] has joined #bitcoinconsultancy
< ThomasV> genjix: it wasn't me!!
< ThomasV> (re: someone fucked up)
< genjix> heh ThomasV
< genjix> ThomasV: you missed the heated discussion
< ThomasV> what was it ?
< ThomasV> I bet it was about whether miners should accept that
< genjix> yes exactly
< genjix> guess which side i was on
< ThomasV> oh no idea
< genjix> pro-everything goes in script. no checks.
< ThomasV> checks seem to be difficult indeed
< ThomasV> pro-choice
< genjix> yep about a bazillion things you can do to cut yourself
< genjix> not a standards responsibility to protect implementations
< ThomasV> people should have the right to kill their bitcoins
< ThomasV> but hell, why did this guy play with 2600 coins? maybe he believed he was on testnet?
< genjix> no idea. so strange huh
< necrodearia>
< joepie91> necrodearia, did you just smack me with a dictionary? D:
< necrodearia> no, a thesaurus
< joepie91> close enough
< necrodearia> although, I wasn't smacking you
-!- Mqrius [[email protected]] has joined #bitcoinconsultancy
< necrodearia> hi Mqrius
< shockdiode> "this guy" was tux...
< genjix> shockdiode: really?
< ThomasV> shockdiode: huh?
< shockdiode> yeah, he said as much in #mtgox
< shockdiode> [18:08]
< shockdiode> [18:08]
< genjix>
< shockdiode> [18:10]
< necrodearia> heh, one week
< OneFixt> his tx had too many inputs
< necrodearia> again, us$100,000+/year profits
< shockdiode> yeah
< genjix> OneFixt: explain?
< shockdiode> [18:14]
< OneFixt> ^ that
< ThomasV> this is another blow to mtgox's tech reputation
< genjix> smells like bullshit
< shockdiode> oh yeah?
< genjix> there is no limit on the number of inputs
< shockdiode> intredasting
< shockdiode> wasn't aware of one myself
< genjix> and the maximum number of inputs on his transactions is 4
< OneFixt> isn't it 255?
< genjix> no
< genjix> anyway his max number of inputs was 4
< ThomasV> tux said a few days ago that he's not using bitcoind anymore
< ThomasV> bitcoinj instead
< genjix> damn
< OneFixt> i thought he was using something custom and not bitcoinj
< genjix> why?
< shockdiode> hrm, yeah does seem that max number of inputs was 4
< OneFixt> maybe it shows up as 4 because the other tx wouldn't show up in block explorer?
< genjix> nope
< genjix> i have a custom bitcoin version myself
< genjix> SQL database
< OneFixt> ok, i'd like to see more details on the error in that case
< OneFixt> looks like shockdiode brought it up
< genjix> if anyone wants a dump of the sql database ask me.
< OneFixt> i need to get around to writing one of those
< genjix> libbitcoin.org in case you didnt see it
< OneFixt> ah, thanks =)
< genjix> anyway it's still pre-alpha
< OneFixt> rally time
< genjix> 01:50 < graingert> just use Python
< genjix> 01:50 < graingert> and get on with your life
< genjix> 01:50 < gmaxwell> I like writing software that actually runs in realtime.
< genjix> laughed hard
* necrodearia rallies with OneFixt
< OneFixt> hehe
< necrodearia> excitebike world rally, right?
< OneFixt> bitcoinworld rally!
< genjix> sorry guys
< genjix> not going to happen
< OneFixt> you don't like rallies?
< genjix> why would a loss of 2k btc make a difference
< OneFixt> oh, it's unrelated
< genjix> ohh ok
< OneFixt> hehe just looking at my charts
< ThomasV> ping me when it reaches $30
< ThomasV> good night
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