I have a solution but few will listen.
Few will
pay for it. They have already paid and lost dearly.
You need a solution that doesn't involve asking people for money.Lemmee see here................................
...a few grand properly spent saves millions?
Not a good plan at all.
I'll rethink it but thank you for your input.
I did go read the
your web page. I think that the plan disturbs uninvolved people, and is partially untruthful; this will sure spray you with backspatter, and ultimately harm the moral high ground position that they occupy.
However, the ultimate concept of causing a bolus of communications from the large number of customers involved intrigues me, and is an approach that I have envisioned many times in the past, but have never carried out.
What do you think of this course of action, where no one crosses over a line misrepresenting their identity or denying service to innocent bystanders: each BFL customer, perhaps 20,000 or more, sends a small number of paper letters, for a total cost of under $5.
- Directly to the court
- To the attorney representing the plaintiff
- To BFL itself.
- Sonny's parole office
- BFL's attorney
I think this could be one letter to BFL with CC to the other parties.
I further think the letter should be very polite. It should mention facts and ask for an action. Each letter should be written so that it reflects well on you under the most hostile reading environment, whether in court, on TV, or in the BFL boardroom. There should be absolutely no threats, exaggerations, or excesses in the letter. The letter should be minimal. It is the 20,000 quantity all from upstanding victims that is the excess, but that excess does not reflect back on any of the customers. Each piece of that mail is sent to people who are involved in this particular piece of business, are not innocent bystanders, and is a proper use of a paid government service, the USPS.
You want the court and probation people to think that you are squeaky clean, and never, ever to get the idea that any one of you is a problem of any kind. While my background story here is not that important, I can say that I have been a victim/witness in a murder trial, and that I got much better service from the prosecutors that did the people who acted like they would bring guns into the courtroom and, although victims, become criminals themself. Avoid any suggestion of vigilantism.
Dear BFL
I have an order for 3 @ Monarch bitcoin miners placed on Feb. 18, 2013 for $5,650. Prompt delivery time was
a dominant portion of the value of this order, and the order is now unfit for the purposes for which we initiated
business with each other.
I have been harmed by this delay, and I am disturbed to read court documents, for example, that Sonny has
purchased a house with order payments before my order was fulfilled.
At this time, I require a prompt refund of my order.
John Q Customer