Yes, everyone move along. Nothing to see here. Lets all maintain the status quo where we are in charge and continually excuse abuse of the trust system. No reason to argue about it when we can just keep things how I like them, and fuck anyone who has legitimate grievances. Unless they are one of the chosen of course, then burn the witch.
Everyone is free to include and exclude who they like, but if you and your friends don't like who I exclude or include then it is acceptable to negative rate me for "trust system abuse".
I don't think I said that.
Meanwhile you toss out a few more "NO U!s"' in the hope no one thinks too hard about the fact that you only want people you choose to be held to their own standards, and that you yourself don't even observe your own standards.
Again, not what I said or implied. I don't proclaim any standards that I would expect you to adhere to, and you are free to ignore your own standards. All I'm saying is that your posturing is worthless and hypocritical. If that's your intent - who am I to argue. Carry on.
You don't need to say it. You implicitly support it by including those that regularly and willfully abuse the trust system by negative rating people for little more than speaking. Also, you did explicitly merit the
accusation of trust system abuse against me, which is an implicit statement that you think the forum needs more posts like that. Like I said before, your role is to walk a fine line and maintain just enough legitimacy so you can leverage it to cover for the abuses of your friends.
Any principles regarding acceptable use of the trust system you enforce are calculated moves designed to give you the appearance of being reasonable while you ignore and cover for the self evident and regular abuse of the people in your inclusions, and make minimal compromises to maintain this image. You feel free to bring out more "NO U's" about that one time I did that thing you didn't like that happened a year ago. Maybe it will distract from the continual and current abuse you enable with your inclusions and cover for with your deflection and intellectually dishonest arguments. Tell me some more about how you don't proclaim to hold me to any standards, then in the same sentence do exactly that. You do not speak with candor.
The issue with you is, there is no arguing with you on anything. You do not see anyone's point except your own in a discussion.
Who wants to help someone who cannot and will not ever admit fault? Because DT doesn't explicitly listen to you and your demands, we are all corrupt right?
That's horseshit and you know it. I want the endless drama to end around here, but users that act like you make it nearly impossible to see that happen.
That's why users should use the ignore button and move on from a conversation with you.
No I'm not saying turn a blind eye and not pay attention to claims, but you cannot say you're 100% right in your claims or opinions. Well you cannot, but you will.
Look all over the reputation section man, you have a minimum of 3 reeeeeee threads claiming abuse by a DT member. Given enough time, I'm sure you'll have a separate thread on everyone who has given you a neg, untrusted you, or disagrees with you.
You want people to stand up and advocate with you, then chill out and admit fault and actually try to solve your issues calmly vs trying to make everyone look bad over a rating they gave you.
Let's say for a minute all your claims are correct. I would still likely ~you from DT due to the way your brain works. Your opinion is all that matters and that's NOT how to look at things. That's not having an unbiased opinion, that's not what a DT member should be.
The point is people should be able to speak without being attacked.
First of all, if you don't have the balls to attack someone with your main account, then don't make the post. You look like a big pussy and need to crawl back in your hole and hide. That's basically what you're doing by making the post anyways. Hiding behind the new account thinking, "if i post this with my main account, i'll be attacked" is total bullshit.[...]
I ask that the community not respond to any accusation such as this unless a person posts from their main account.
How does it work? Attacking someone and expecting not to be attacked?
If I knew the answer to that, we wouldn't be having this discussion would we?
I think there are some pretty smart people in this community, including Quickseller and TECHSHARE. Just because I disagree with how they approach things doesn't mean I find them unintelligent. We as a community should be able to figure something different out vs the current shoot 1st and ask questions later system we are using.