The longer the marketing and promotion does.
The higher exposure that it do for it to be recognized by the people and this kind of advertising seems to be truly effective.
That is the approach of Bitsler team.
The long diversified promotions of Bitsler likely contributed to build up its good income (from gamblers bet on their site), and good popularity in gambling area.
Even during the terrible bear market, since early of 2018, the promotion in signature campaign of Bitsler has continously lasted without any break.
Marketing and promotion plays a big part in any business because there's always a new client looking for a site to play a game, a single day of no advertisement can lead to a loss of new client and of course taking care of existing clients is a must to any business. That's why if you notice not one, or two admins post in this thread to inform Bitsler users here for any update.
Yeah, marketing could be important in any business but in casinos it is a bit different.
Casinos do not do marketing to create awareness they make marketing to sway other gamblers to their casinos.
Think of it as coca cola and pepsi, even tough there are people who drink neither of them and people who drink both of them, they do marketing because they want to stay relevant all the time and sway the other people. If you love pepsi its unlikely that you will drink coca cola and if you love coca cola well honestly "is pepsi okay" could be the best case scenario for you.
Hence, casinos are exactly like that, we know bitsler, we love bitsler, we are aware of bitsler, why they do marketing is not so we would learn what bitsler is no we already know that why they do marketing is mainly because so we would stop drinking coca cola and start gambling on bitsler so to speak.