I think this
First, what I marked in bold, section. I didn't read theymos's full conversation with you as it happened privately on PM, and you [rightfully so] only share snippets of it, but the way I understand it, he is not interested about a section, as in sub-board. He allows people to create a thread or a post announcing and linking to a separate site, or something alike, that caters the service, but it will not be part of the forum.
Second, the one I mark in underline, they did not jump in as the discussion because [like this one... if I may be blunt, actually like most of the discussion people had with you in the past few weeks] it's out of topic. The discussion was made on a thread where someone accuses a platform of something, and there we are, talking about other things. [I even actually nearly missed the post made by the OP of that thread]. People are reluctant to jump in as they know it'll be very much OOT.
That's why I ended that discussion with a suggestion to,
If you'd still like to discuss this matter further [be it a proposal of a board or perhaps a group of ADR team], I'd suggest you to [as previously said] open a thread on meta, we're clearly has been waaay OOT here. I think many members will be interested to discuss the prospect further and give their insight. I will pitch in if you ever created that thread [just... mention me, I rarely visit meta].