Wow Arallmuus!
You got 11 correctly picked for the multimasters. Usually that means you are the winner most of the time. Only if the others who had 7 correct predictions going into today didn't also get a perfect amount of the remaining selections for their betslips as well.
That would truly suck.
At the very least you would share the prize amount with whomever got them all right today, so that aint too bad either.
And yeah the leaderboards were not updated when I checked earlier today while my ticket was already graded with the games completed yesterday.
So I guess they are on holidays.
No need to worry much about it since the website seems to be having some issues most of the day when I tried to log in to it.
So it could contribute with it not updating the leaderboard among other things.
Just be patient and steve will get back to us about it sooner than later.
You'll see!
Congrats to you in advance with what you win from being top of the leaderboard on the thread too!