But there is one major problem in adding skill-based games like Chess on gambling platform, i.e. internet connection. In games like Poker, even if one player disconnects due to internet issue, he will be shown inactive and turn will be shifted to next player. But in case of games like Chess, you can't shift turn to next player without making any move. One solution for that could be to declare one player loser if he doesn't reconnects after certain time but you know people, they will blame SportsBet even if their own internet is shitty. I can't imagine how many refund claiming emails SportsBet start receiving after implementing wagering on such skill-based games.
There is one even more major problem
And that is people using chess computers to play the game. You can't control this and that is why it won't work.
On top of that, there isn't a lot of chess players nowadays (I do play from time to time) and thus it's probably not worth the effort and hassle for Sportsbet.
Chess could be done in a similar fashion that is going on right now with the chess community, not slow or unlimited time but having a real hard timing period, if you give people 5 minutes total to play (10 would be more awesome) they are going to basically either play properly like always, or they are going to cheat by opening up a really great chess software and make your moves against computers moves and whatever computer returns with they will return with, so basically make it a you vs a really really good chess software.
I don't know how mad I am about that, I rather play against a really good PC instead of a human, I do not think that humans are worse, sure they are still cheating but I will take software competition over human any day of the week, they are rarely ever ready for unexpected moves so its actually easier to beat a computer even if its smart versus an expert chess player.