What's the tie-breaker if two or more people have the same freebets points? In division 3B, famososMuertos, B1g4udge and I had 4 freebets points each and the fee bet was awarded to famososMuertos.
Is that due to the more correct guesses in questions 9 and 10? If so, what would be the tie-breaker if two or more people are still tied after counting correct guesses in H2H questions?
The first tie-breaker is the remaining H2H questions. Remaining means those that did not serve to one or more players to get the equalizing point.
There were 4 of you with 4 points, you forgot SATWAT. He got the 4th point by having the best score in Q10.
That means that Q10 is ignored from the 'remaining' H2H calculations, and in Q9 you and B1g4udge have less points than SATWAT and famososMuertos.
If 2 or more players are still tied after the H2H questions are evaluated, the one that submitted earlier (with less info) is the winner - in this case famososMuertos.
Rebought as well, I expect a lot of those. Great that it happened in an early round, will raise the reward by a few mBTC.
Sorry fellas, we owe you the rewards distribution. We received funds from SB, we play the season for 173,75 mBTC (regular season, LMS and the Cup combined) and 2850$ in additional freebets so buckle up - there will be something for (almost) everyone.
We're basically finished with it but I don't want to post it so late without doublechecking. Will be tomorrow for sure.
Hi cro2, from first round I believe points scored in BSFL were pretty much what was used in the LMS..how come this time around the scores look different (BSFL
Anyway, just to be sure is this the final spreadsheet we looking at??
Yup, it's the correct spreadsheet. Sometimes points can vary between BSFL and LMS because if you have the best score in your Division you will get a point in BSFL, but if it isn't the best overall score across all Divisions you won't get it for LMS.