I mean, you are happy because you gave yourself the place in the playoffs.
GG Placeholder B
Yes now I am happy but until Sunday my playoff place wasn't fully secured.
Must admit that I'm bad at explaining things it's not a language issue I'm just really bad and describing a person is a horror for me too
Hope that everything will become clearer on Sunday but if Team Yori doesn't show up today you too will get two additional points and plus three goals.
And I must warn you Placeholder is a dangerous opponent
I'm jealous now.
I wish my mind wasn't also busy with some other things on Tuesday not to miss the deadline. Anyway what is done is done and I will just focus on my next game.
It was an exception or maybe not!? Just yesterday I was in Seoul and had to wait in line for more than one hour to get some overpriced burgers for my family...as if the whole city was there
Yes it will surely be a thrilling season final and three way fight for the playoffs.
I just hope that there won't be any recalculations but all depends on Yori.
Best of luck for your final match - very important match for championship and playoffs.
We will of course root for your team we still need to play our rematch