Fully support decision About Question 6, even tho personally I feel a little bit meh. I want to always win points fairly, if I win or lose, I must know it's my own effort and so I will always give in to max fairness to my opponent.
However let me rant a little here lol
The forum deadline has always always been unfair to me for 3 seasons. In fact the VAR came out because of the unfairness to those who submit early in case to miss deadline, but IIRC also because of the timezone (forum deadline is 1 am for me).
This season less issues because I noticed very few questions came close to deadline but past 2 seasons, many questions like for tennis had the deadlines close to the game, but if anyone could not stay up late because they have a life lol then too bad, the question would not be balanced for fairness.
I accepted the rules before, never ever got mad, but you guys understand my mehness now I'm fighting for relegation and suddenly it doesn't pay to use VAR and stay up late for this stupid question, yes of course I feel a little bit pissed lol
Harkorede gave a good example for tennis. And What if South Korea won and scored 3 goals? The question wouldn't be void, but clearly disadvantage to someone who entered 3 goals or less. I would have used VAR to change my answer if I was able.
So I don't really get this. Maybe, I would now recommend to rule out any possible questions that settle within 5 hours of deadline. If truely we care about people with timezone difference, this is the most fair.
Edit: Just for the record I answered no, even before the game finished but I have seen stats of the first half before doing it so feel a bit robbed on this one personally.
Same! I waited for this one at before going home however if I knew it would be voided if South Korea lost, I wouldn't have bothered. So I feel a bit robbed on my time out when I coulda just slept lol