any reported hashrates for webchain ?looking fwd to try out srbminer soon. thx for the hardwork
Would be interessting to see what Hashrates are possible. Has anybody some Numbers?
Stales and duplicates are pool related, use loud mining pool its the best.
Also number are like v7 - a few %
I've been using for a long time loud mining pool. Port 4444 and 5555, but duplicates and stales share still appear. I'm sure the problem is in the SRB miner.
LOUD-Webchain miner working fine.
1. srb displays accepted shares only, so those are accwpted shares, nothing to worry about.
Loud miner does not display this. So thats why no share stales there.
2. Srb sends every share only once, it has an internal table of sent shares so the same share cant be sent twice. that means no duplicate share is sent from the miner and that is 100%
You can see this for yourself in the log, find the 'duplicate share' message from server, above it is the json that was sent to the pool, there is the parameter 'result', copy it and search the whole log file, and see that you won't find that same result more than once sent to the pool.
You are SURE the problem is in my miner, i am sure there is no problem with it.