I have also verified from electrum. The signature poster is not responding here so, we cant understand the reality. But As signature is verified and message is verified how those could be wrong? I think there is something wrong with the wallet ID.
The comparison might not be the best; but I'll try it anyway.
The website calculates the signature and the message, and produces an address, if they match, the signature is verified; if it doesn't, then it can't verify the signature. In the event of you not providing an address for said message, the website will show you what is has calculated.
In simpler terms (comparison): You use a website to verify that the result you have on the square root of 4. the website calculates the sqrt of 4, and if you input the value of 2; it will verify it. If you input (for example) 7, it will fail to verify. And if you leave it blank, it will show the right answer, in this case, 2.
But there is more than 1 correct answer to this! In the example I provided, both 2 and -2 are the right answer, and not only 2. The example website, only displays positive value numbers (+2), and doesn't work with negatives (-2). The website you've used to verify the signature works similarly; it does support Legacy addresses (1....) but doesn't support Segwit addresses (bc.../3...).
That's why it will always show a result for whatever signature+message you input, and it will always be shown as a Legacy address