---Tempo fa ho fatto la pulizia dei messaggi nella mia casella e-mail e per sbaglio ho cliccato su Spam invece di Elimina, quindi non ho più ricevuto messaggi da voi. Ho cambiato la password, ma non arrivando la mail non sono riuscita a confermarla quindi ora non riesco ad entrare nel mio account ne con la vecchia ne con la nuova. Vorrei poter cambiare la mail ed entrare nel mio account. Il mio indirizzo btc è:--- 1PaqkLqgpNCdYXbtmYZDdjjkeohCstLLeo ---
Sono su bitcointalk - Dany166750 ma non sono pratica e non so cosa fare, non ho capito nulla
Grazie, Dany166750
Some time ago I did the cleaning of the messages in my mailbox and I accidentally clicked on Spam instead of Delete, so I didn't receive any messages from you. I changed the password, but not getting the email I could not confirm it so now I can't get into my account with the old one or the new one. I wish I could change the email and enter my account. My btc address is: --- 1PaqkLqgpNCdYXbtmYZDdjjkeohCstLLeo --- I'm on bitcointalk - Dany166750 but I'm not practical and I don't know what to do, I didn't understand anything
It appears that you are attempting to recover access to another account. This thread is not the appropriate place to post to do so. This thread is used to "register" (or stake) your Bitcoin Address with a signed message, so you can prove account ownership in the future. Given you have already lost access, there is no point trying to stake an address.
To recover your account, you will need to follow the instructions here:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/recovering-hackedlost-accounts-5089777Also please note that there is a rule that you must post in English on the "main" forums... if you want to post in Italian, you'll need to post in one of the Italian boards listed here:
https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?board=28.0Good Luck!