
Topic: and coverup. - page 4. (Read 699 times)

Activity: 182
Merit: 33
September 28, 2023, 06:51:59 PM
The Man is Back!🎉
Activity: 9
Merit: 4
September 28, 2023, 06:47:50 PM
Hello there.

I was watching your topic about the accusation of stake.. but im not sure where do you find the evidence they cheater.

Iterations for mine bets which you provided differes as it depends if mines are opened one by one or automatically (multiple field at once)

I have prepared some php code which you can use to verify outcome of the mine games with tool that stake provide.
You can use some online php compilers example

    // Example usage:
$cursor 0// please do not update this value
    //we need 24 results for mines to generate as we have 24 possible mines 
$count 24;

$hashedServerSeed 'def3a5cbd25b59adf1d26cfca8efa8e349240c6f5a7a9754a7bc3614a68a5283';
$clientSeed 'Vl-f-FEmK7';
$serverSeed 'd67cb6c65af339a914a82fbdc652fe13bd022da2c753bf445751a73a3eb4c6d9';
$nonce 1;

verifyIfServerSeedIsTrue(string $hashedServerSeedstring $serverSeed): bool
//lets verify if my unhashedServerSeed is actually sha256 hashedServerSeed
return hash('sha256'$serverSeed) === $hashedServerSeed;

"lets verify if my unhashedServerSeed is actually sha256 hashedServerSeed , Result: => ";

$hmac_sha256 = [];
byteGenerator(string $serverSeedstring $clientSeedint $nonceint $cursor): \Generator
// Setup cursor variables
$currentRound floor($cursor 32);
$currentRoundCursor $cursor - ($currentRound 32);

// Generate outputs until cursor requirement is fulfilled
while (true) {
// Calculate the HMAC
            // Initialize the HMAC context
$msg $clientSeed ":" $nonce ":" $currentRound;
$hmac hash_hmac('sha256'$msg$serverSeedtrue);

$hmacBytes str_split($hmac);
// Update cursor for the next iteration of the loop
while ($currentRoundCursor 32) {
ord($hmacBytes[$currentRoundCursor]); // Yield the number
$currentRoundCursor +=  1;
$currentRoundCursor 0;
$currentRound += 1;

// Convert the hash output from the rng byteGenerator to floats
function generateFloats (string $serverSeedstring $clientSeedint $nonceint $cursorint $count): array 
// Random number generator function
$rng byteGenerator($serverSeed$clientSeed$nonce$cursor);

// Declare bytes as empty array
$bytes = [];
// Populate bytes array with sets of 4 from RNG output
while (count($bytes) < $count 4) {
$bytes[] = $rng->current();

// Chunk the array into sets of 4
$byteChunks array_chunk($bytes4);
// Map and reduce each chunk to calculate floats
$result array_map(function ($byteChunk) {
$partialResult 0.0;
            foreach (
$byteChunk as $i => $value) {
$partialResult += $value pow(256$i 1);

fisherYatesShuffle(array $array): array
$result = [];
$cells = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24];
        for (
$i=0$icount($array); $i++) {
$result[$i] = $cells[$array[$i]];
array_splice($cells$array[$i], 1);

$results generateFloats($serverSeed$clientSeed$nonce$cursor$count);
$int_array = [];

    foreach (
$results as $result) {
$r = ($result * ($count+1));
$int_array[] = (int) $r;
$count -= 1;

$mines_positions fisherYatesShuffle($int_array);

Mines postions
"Game Nonce:" $nonce;
    foreach (
$mines_positions as $key => $value) {
$key " = " $value;

For the exaple my outcome is the same as in stake web page.

lets verify if my unhashedServerSeed is actually sha256 hashedServerSeed , Result: => bool(true)
Mines postions
Game Nonce:1
0 = 5
1 = 7
2 = 14
3 = 15
4 = 13
5 = 11
6 = 18
7 = 8
8 = 12
9 = 2
10 = 16
11 = 23
12 = 6
13 = 1
14 = 0
15 = 21
16 = 20
17 = 19
18 = 17
19 = 22
20 = 9
21 = 10
22 = 3
23 = 24

Activity: 130
Merit: 0
September 28, 2023, 02:23:13 PM
As you were reading and commenting on my previous post, few of them even accused me asking the casino $1,000,000 .00 . All of the pm paid users by the casino little didnt know that i asked them either supervisor or 1,000,000.00 as stake support was not responding to my chats properly, as 3 of the agents on chat gave me he information of bet which i placed with 2 mines as 11 mines. ( later on deleted the chat citing on it was editorial error ) .

1. 1,000,000$ allegation

First thing first , I asked the casino to bring the supervisor online or pay me $1,000,000.00 as few of the agents were just revolving the chat ticket in themselves and informed me they cannot transfer it to supervisor. they are basically parrots citing example of few of the complaints given by other people.


you can see here , what i have written and what i have asked. so especially touts top spreading rumor.

2. support agent informing true odds placed in background.

when i aseked 3 support agents and supervisors including for bet id 167247337064 , they all stated thet the bets were placed with 11 mines, while i recorded and have a screenshot of the bet with 2 mines.

this contains the original bet which i placed

and below is the screenshot if the support agent informing the bet was placed with 11 mines
. from this day i came to know that the backedn the bets are regustered as irregular odds. and even thiugh if the bets are archived i made a mandate for huge losses and small losses i will try to pull out the file

3. for deleted or archive bets, two different iterations.

 In a casino , you have a unique bet id and especially for games mines is bet id later your hashed seed and the nonce remains the same. deletes the bet in the system and archive the dynamic format to a simple text format, so in my enquiry i gave casino guru two entry of hashes ( actually i send them the file , both the iteration of the bets were picked up and ) .

Here casino guru, didnt picked up the format but in order to deceive its readers gave an example out in public of my max winning on multiplier in order to cover up for

the question of iterations were as follows

a. Comparision of two iteration

iteration 1:
{"id":"4199e11e-8861-4b8f-9b43-97ad560cd766","iid":"house:167247337064","type":"casino","scope":"house","userId":"c3299987-21b5-49ef-bb2b-92a8512912b1","betCasino":{"id":"4199e11e-8861-4b8f-9b43-97ad560cd766","active":false,"userId":"c3299987-21b5-49ef-bb2b-92a8512912b1","gameId":"f65ec3b7-705d-42e1-9050 d9ea6fd032b3","currency":"trx","value":0.0000165150794972,"expectedAmount":0.0000020809,"amount":0.00020809,"payoutMultiplier":0,"payout":0,"mobile":false,"serverSeedId":"c7ae0581-091f-4b85-ac5a-9e8e15c5f7b1","clientSeedId":"fc7c4338-e91f-4c13-9cdf-e4475593d7c9","nonce":544,"stateMines":{"_mines":[11,0],"rounds":[{"field":24,"payoutMultiplier":1.076086956521739},{"field":3,"payoutMultiplier":1.1739130434782608},{"field":10,"payoutMultiplier":1.2857142857142859},{"field":9,"payoutMultiplier":1.4142857142857147},{"field":11,"payoutMultiplier":0}],"minesCount":2},"updatedAt":1688820636227,"createdAt":1688820636227}}

its for Betid : 167247337064 currency is trx , nonce 544, this bet was archived before reveal of the seeds , hence all the hashes are encrypted , it is games if 2 mines at position 11 and 0 . i clicked first on tile 24 , then 3, then 10, then 9 , then 11, game over as i clicked on the bomb.

iteration 2:


over here for betid :  167250384449 having nonce 602  played with usdc on two mines 3 and 7 . tiles which i opened were
23,18,13,5,6,0,1,2,3 ( practically over ) but still the bet registered on other field would have given me losses.

if any one had played mines you would come to know that when you opennthe bomb your game is over and unlike in iteration 1 all the unopened tiles shows that they were having odds more than 2.

so hence iteration 2 , the odds were manipulated where it specified mines as 2.

4. dillegence and posting

i posted all the details on  At first wanted me contact them on [email protected] , from till date i have not gotten a response from them regarding this issue. they cited me to use to verify the bets. now those whi dont know is subsidary of . owns this website, proof would be given down.if yiu gi ti you will come to know the details. when i asked them to inquire regarding the bet archives iteration . they have asked me to send them whole archive file via email which i have send.
- and still claims that i have not send them any information, which is absolutely lies and lame and trying to coverup.

5. when was starting to focus on all the wrong this i confronted them regarding their review via email. [/size]

coincidentally the very first screenshot link consist of a screenshot of trustpilot and evidentally and out of behaviour pattern they did the same with which they did with eric whoses screenshot i had send.

nothing as coincidence , just a cover up to earn business and payout using affiliates commission.

i gave them all the proof , but they send me things via email , we have resolved more than 8000 complaints.

6. Casino guru being the exofficio spokeperson for the casino . [/size]

when the casino tried stop responding and askd the ticket to be clocsed, despite me asking them to compare the iteration registered of the deleted the bet
Matej from stated that [email protected] responds to them in 34 minutes.

while i send them screenshot and attched on website. its been more than 20 days they never reply via email .

7 .things got worse , when casino guru asked me to use a third party verification tool.[/u] [/size]

when i insisted the mediators CG to compare the iterations and explain , again they started bullshitting business and trying to deceive readers by throwing more extra information and creating a gimmick to shiw that casino is geniune and trying to oinch in few extra topic. out of frustration Matej from CG told me to use third party verification of bets

i let him is a tool developed by people who are running the website . ceo and mebit founders are the same person. infact whole support team is employed on payroll of mebit.

if you go to you can see their basically belongs to and cannot be trusted as there is an api which shows you the result.

8. There cannot be any proper verifcation of Mines , as the result you are seeing its totally manipulated.

If you check on under calculation of mines you will find just a single paragraph written(check the screenshot).

you can check just few lines no code.if there was transperancy, they would provided opensource verfier in angular js so that each n very could be verified properly.But they wont Because you dont make billions without cheating millions of people. [/u] [/size]

9. At this statement , i was 100 percent confident as and is colluding. [/u]

After the fact, Matej from casino was not ready to compare the iteration and give me explanation. he was not ready to accept the fact belongs to and is not a third party verification tool.

when i informed him , that former partner has filed a law suit against the current partners of l he was in denial is not accepting the fact. by this I came to know these online casino have affiliate policy regarding their affiliate earning by . acts as reputation repair PR FIRM , who gets money through affilaites to cover ul such things from the casino. they are basically a marketing and PR fim.

below the document attched with media link of freeman vs,than%20a%20billion%20dollars%2C%20and%2C

of all the lies had told me this is the best of lies , as by this I conculde that bith the companies are colluding to generate revenue and scam people [/size] [/b][/u]

Conclusion and some of the facts from posting on about mines manipulation [/u] is a cheat website registered in Curcao and operating from Australia and support running from Slovakia . Alone promoting the Gambling in Australia it has tend to broke how many laws , i am not even aware of.

2. cofounder edward craven father is convicted felon in 1992 australian stock market scam and its a family business of scamming money from people since 1992 , when edward was inside his father. you can google it. As its true. You cant make Billions, without scamming a few millions of people. called endorsed third party verification website belongs to ceo of . if you can go to you would come to know the details about it.Hence all the result you are viewing its totally manipulated and they have open in a new website with old domain name in krder to verify the bets. no open source verifcation as of in

4. No calculation is given out for mines in thier Result generation system , hence it impossible for any third party website to verify it. A part from that they have disabled their api where you coukd have stored many bets in the system.

5. a scamming company bsed in Curcao where there is no proper gambling authority.

6. is basically affiliate through money making company which charges the casino to basically handle the damage and the PR , thus by maintaining the casino reputation and getting comission on behalf of that.

 7. By compairing the iteration on Point 3 itself you can verify that bets registered in the casino is diiferent as bets played in the system.

If any questions , are there regarding the conculsion , you can let me know . But touts of , and would not be entertained.
enough of lying deceiving and

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