About 3 hours ago there was an announcement in telegram that they are doing some upgrades that may make lags and errors.
I also experience some lags few minutes ago when I was playing, game stopped many times so it seems that the upgrade is still running now.
Perhaps we need to wait until there is an official information on telegram that all the upgrades are done so we can play again without any issue.
Edit: few seconds ago, there is new update in telegram that they are down because they are working to restore services.
The "downtime" was a stupid excuse, there was a ddos attack obviously, 190000 members online is impossible, site is lagging when 15000 are online, lol. Thats why they fked up the stream and wasted the time of thousands of viewers as well.
Why not be honest about it ? Instead they feed their customers this bullshit, as usual.
I don't know how you checked and confirmed that it was a ddos attack, but if it's true, it's not good for the image of the casino to admit mistakes. I think they are still checking what really happened and there will be an official announcement from them soon.
Of course it was ddos when almost 200k people are in online in the chat, dont need silly excuses for that. The "official" statement is now on telegram and guess what, ddos.
Oh and the "apology" is very "generous", 5$ drop for 5000 people, with 2k wager requirement . According to the stake forum players have lost way more because of this than just 5$.