Since 7 days ago, every day at 10:00hs (GMT hour) (approximately, it may vary), a new promo is announced in the Telegram group for everybody (you are free to enter there, no minimum bet requirements). The promos are meant to be completed in that exact moment, quickly, in no more than 15/30 minutes, and the prizes are for those who complete it the fastest.
I'm curious what will be the giveaway for today, i hope it's not hilo, hilo is really my weakness lol.
Well, I was waiting exactly for a HI LO, with a crazy multiplier, like "first people to get 10000x"
it happens around the same time every day so if you missed in tele
you can try to be in stake's chat later and see what poeple are rolling
some events could last for half an hour and more so there is plenty of time to catch up if you are lucky