4. At block 360206, and armoryd says "BDM thread failed: The scanning process interrupted unexpectedly" and asks me to rebuild and rescan. I killed armoryd by Control-C.
That's consistent with the bug I'm going after currently. That error is too aggressive, half the time you can ignore it and restart without rescanning.
5. I started armory-qt. I didn't request a rescan but it seems doing that automatically.
There will be an empty file named either rescan.flag or rebuild .flag in your datadir when the previous instance of Armory wants to signal the next one to rebuild/rescan. Delete it and it won't.
7. I restored the previous databased folder by last ffreeze. It was incomplete and I stopped it at about block 300,000 after more than a week of scanning
8. I started armory-qt. No re-scan.
That's odd, it should try to catch up from 300,000 onwards
9. I imported this private key: 5JdeC9P7Pbd1uGdFVEsJ41EkEnADbbHGq6p1BwFxm6txNBsQnsw (SHA256 of "1") for the address 12AKRNHpFhDSBDD9rSn74VAzZSL3774PxQ. It only shows the 2 txs in 2014 but not the latest ones of 2015.
Expectable if the scan ended around block 300,000
So I guess both databases are somehow corrupted?
Shouldn't be, but I guess they are. Actually what's off is that they don't pick up where they left. I'd say hang on to your 300k DB, I intent to add some more checks to allow the DB to fix itself (instead of rebuild/rescan).