guys... what's missing important? I drank n typed, took me 3 hours
Bitcoin has the ability to stop the seemingly endless growth of political power that literally appears to be eating up the world and our next generation. The unfunded liabilities of this gubbernment are estimated at over 100 TRILLION (!) DOLLAR. The reason for this is gubbernments can print anything they want. The plutocratic buisiness/financial INTEREST had the era of the government- the PEOPLE did not. Fiat-money made this disaster possible... and Bitcoin has the ability to stop it ! Simple. 2500 Years ago money had to be portable, long-lasting, divisable and the most intruistic value was it's limitation. That was gold. In the 19th century prices went down because of gold, today all evaporates in our hands. The limiting of money is the limiting of political power ! Fathom this !
The financial oligarchy has not to fear anything, while 2500 Occupy-Wall-Street protestors went to jail. Bankers are estimated to have destroyed 40% of the U.S.wealth with Fractional Reserve Banking and still walk free. Picking in the pocket of a fetus is just beyond unfair.The limiting of money is the limiting of political power.
Everyone expected the first world war to be over in 6 months because war is feroucisly expensive and they had no money. During that time european banks one by one went off the gold-standard, so nobody had to ask us to choose between food and death, between life and murder, between guns and butter. WW2 cost 15 times more the gold that they had. War and gold/limited currency don't mix very well. If they had waged first world war on gold it would have ended christmas 1914 without the infinite blenders of human parts they shoveled into this madness and saved the lives of MILLIONS OF PEOPLE, People! This is how serious inflating fiat money is.
The total amount of gold on earth we hold in our hands is 174.000 tons while the war on Error cost 291.000 tons of gold. In terms of Bitcoin that's 500 times more Bitcoins than ever will be mined. The Internet has not slowed the growth of gubbernments around the world, it has not saved the next generation from the endless gutterhole of debt. Information empowers the people, but not with regards to political power. Political power is a monopoly of the initiation of force in a geographical area.Information don't stop bullets. But when you don't have money to fund bullets, the bullets stop. I strongly urge you to claim your power back, start using Bitcoin, everything peaceful, break out of the loop. Thank you
Billed shall be the warmongers !