Let me guess, you noobs think " why buy btc when you can mine for free ? ". Just spend $1.5k on a computer, and get btc forever right?
Awesome, keep buying.
After calculation. If the output is bigger than input, Why not?
I would love to see your "calculation"
Here is one variable you noobs never get : manufacturers can/will/do outmine you. But nope, you still use your dumb "percentile" anyway.
dude you could use a time out. no one on this thread is a newbie. we have all been a round a while . We have found our little spots to do some mining and we do it.
I do roi in fiat and in btc . But I can not do this easily or at a big scale.
To me noobs are ppl who see estimations as some concrete calculations (if the output is higher, then why not). Just like you, who keep saying " 0 -9%" over and over again, while pulling that number straight out of your ass. Each jump it was close to 15%. But you continue anyway.
Problem is greed blinds ppl so that they only fantasize their ROI. The fact that they use bitcoin price to justify it prove this (if bitcoin price jumps, i will get ROI and then some)
my numbers are not perfect but since this is speculation thread area.
guesses are allowed. since I have bothered to put numbers down.
My estimates have been about 4 right and 3 wrong.
in a few days I will be 5 right and 3 wrongmy overall prediction for 9-12% growth was for a 200 day period that started june 30th 2014.
diff from June 30th to Oct 4th has been pretty close to that number.
I never gave a lot on BTC fiat price prediction and frankly> I can not believe it is under 330 usd.
Correction: Its all just guessing, not estimating.
So whats the point really? when you're trying to "estimate" something with almost 50/50.
Forget all this "difficulty estimation" Its alot simpler if you only look at what matters :
Capital cost and Operating cost. Which NONE of home miners have as advantages over big farms/manufacturers.
Capital cost = Cost of hardware is cheaper for these large farmers
Operating cost = they also have the lowest electrical rate.
You can estimate difficulty all you want, does not matter if difficulty goes up or down, you can never compete. Remember one thing: the bitcoin supply rate is fixed at 3600btc/day. Because of these, they will just expand to squeeze out all the small less efficient miners (customers/suckers)
When manufacturers sell their hardware, they also compete directly to their customers using the money paid upfront by the customers. Mean while the customers blindly use mining "calculation".
1-5cent/KwH advantage is enough to have 1+ MW facilities