The reward that we get from playing console games is enjoyment and it's really what we like to play and makes us happy despite the only reward we get there is satisfaction.
There is nothing stopping game-client developers from making a client that runs on a console.
I am not sure which of the many "Artificial Intelligence" systems currently being showcased as the bleeding edge of AI development can do quite what just yet, but seeing some showcase fantasy and sci-fi illustrations purported to have been created using an AI, and hearing hearsay about how "conversational" some AIs have already become, how long does it today seem likely to be before a client can be built that can basically turn any random novel into a movie, and how much easier would it be for an AI of such power to turn a text-mode MUD game into a real-time eyecandy experience akin to a news broadcast showing what is happening as you type to the character whose orders you are typing... Or hey why type, cannot it understand speech?
Thus I have always been aiming not at "twitch gaming" where someone else's client, or the game server, seeing the live video of what your character is doing would have to do image recognition to figure out even that you are firing a weapon at something, and extrapolate the line from your weapon to figure out what if anything your projectile might hit if it travels fast enough and the target stays still enough, but, rather, text mode games, using character's reaction speed and dexterity and aiming skill and so on, with any and all "illustrating" being a "client-side problem"...
So hey, I currently work more on the text mode gameserver side than on creating a newer MUD (text mode Multi User Dungeon) client smart enough to log into any MUD and create live video display of what is happening there and maybe allow speech commands rather than requiring user to type...
Also, accessibility is a big factor here too, deaf dumb blind or palsied ought not be locked out if they can be enabled to get in...