Dow 4000 here we come.
agree with you with a target extension: take away another 0.
400 we come by 2014-2016Dude, if you think the Dow is heading to 400, you're on the wrong forum. We're inflation folk around these parts.
I am saying the inflationists will be wrong. First we see continued massive deflation (just look at the DJI/Gold chart then you will realize that we have deflation, not inflation.Right before Argentina went into hyper-inflation they experienced a brief bout of deflation. Deflation is what gives the central bank the excuse to print more money.
DJI/Gold chart shows inflation not deflation. You're misinterpreting it. Gold is simply outpacing the Dow's gains.
Anyone who thinks deflation rules the day and currencies are gaining strength is completely ignorant of the economic model (keynesianism) we are practicing today. BY DESIGN it is inflationary. If it is not inflationary the model is broke and they'll do whatever they have to do to get it back on track (print).
This will carry on until the currency dies outright. Searching for those happy feelings of Dow gains and currency gains does not change the facts of reality. It is typical normalcy bias rationalization.
"Deal with reality or reality will deal with you".
Anyone who thinks currencies are gaining (especially against gold) should take a look at these charts. Your opinions don't change the facts.... You do not need to convince me. In fact, you can't.
We are in a massive deflation. Everything loses value against gold = gold is the only one holding value while all other prices (currencies as you shows very well, goods, other commodities lose in value).
And soon, possible even with the today's high, gold will also decline.So you know more than Jim Sinclair, Schiff, Marc Faber, Jim Rogers, John Exter (former Fed Chairman), etc?
What info and facts do you have to back this claim up? The deflation you see, I will admit there is deflation out there, is in the price of goods that are leveraged with credit.
The inflation that is out there is in the credit derivatives market. The deflation that we will see will be the decimation of that market and gold will be inflated to levels you cannot imagine.
I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. I'm always looking for different angles to understand what's happening.
I think where most people get lost is they don't go up high enough on the financial instrument food chain. People don't understand just how much debt is out there that will have to collapse into something.
The derivatives market is a $1Quadrillion + market.