It's more of a margin liquidation. If they really want to smash the crap out of silver though now is the time to raise the COMEX marging requirements.
Of course all they'd do is force a lot more physical metal off the market.
whats interesting is that yesterday i sold a bunch of Krugerands to my local coin dealer. at first he tried to cut his offer price to $5 below spot. his excuse was that there was a ton of Krands coming to market. eventually he gave me spot but only b/c i run alot of biz thru him.
they've already raised Comex margin reqs a few times b/c of the leverage involved. i think they're going to be successful. they have no choice but to get it down b/c too much money has been heading into them for the last 11 yrs b/c of their reckless policies. everything comes to an end.