Your thoughts on this. with the recent situation we face here in western countries. Like here in Canada. USA, Australia, Europe etc
we are constantly seeing inflation and our buying power decrease. Rise of poverty.
If crypto could save and prevent poverty.
Then what are your thoughts on how this switch over could really happen?
Do we all have to reach a ground ZERO, such as a situation like Venezuela. For everyone to trash their FIAT and accept a crypto system?
What do you think would it take for a switch to happen?
It would be horrible to think that all of us need to end up in poverty and below in order to have a mass acceptance of crypto?
what are all your thoughts on how a switch to crypto could happen?
Tell you something, people here have yet to trash fiat for crypto. Everyday you see more people using USD instead. Ironic isn't? There is some news here and there about some shop accepting crypto, or even a new ATM installed in the same shop, but its very rare and not what you would expect.
I think there is simply not enough knowledge about Bitcoin here.
Bitcoin is a deflationary coin, of course you can use it to prevent your money from losing value, and many people are using localbitcoins to buy (or sell), but for actual purchasing we still revert back to fiat, which is a shame.
If it is so hard HERE for the "switch", i can't imagine how it is in countries with such "perfect" fiat that barely lose 2% yearly. People seem more worried about the natural fluctuations (which are a sign of freedom, a strength rather than weakness) than the prospect of having preserved or even increased (because of fiat inflation) their purchasing power overtime.
It is funny/tragic, we do all ended in poverty here, and yet, there is no "mass" acceptance of crypto. One thing does not lead to the other, something else is needed. Maybe if the entire world economy collapsed (if only 10% of all the money is simultaneously withdrawn from the banks, it would trigger it). But by then it would be too late as all fiats would lose value simultaneously and people would simply not have time to move into crypto.
Sadly only those who have moved or at least diversified a part of their savings into Bitcoin, would survive such a collapse. No matter how much you would want everyone to get a clue, there are some (too many) that would fall behind. This is not Bitcoin fault.
From experience i tell you, once your fiat crashes, only then the "masses" get that they need to change their worthless money into something else, but then its too late and can't do nothing with their now worthless money. Its sad, but those that need it less, have higher chances to get into it than those that desperately need it more.
Unfortunately back when i didn't "need it", i didn't buy. Now i need it, but my worthless money can't buy but a few satoshis a month. Catch 22.