Your thoughts on this. with the recent situation we face here in western countries. Like here in Canada. USA, Australia, Europe etc
we are constantly seeing inflation and our buying power decrease. Rise of poverty.
If crypto could save and prevent poverty.
Then what are your thoughts on how this switch over could really happen?
Do we all have to reach a ground ZERO, such as a situation like Venezuela. For everyone to trash their FIAT and accept a crypto system?
What do you think would it take for a switch to happen?
It would be horrible to think that all of us need to end up in poverty and below in order to have a mass acceptance of crypto?
what are all your thoughts on how a switch to crypto could happen?
At least in the next 10 years, I see no chance for the global economy (or at least the big economies) to be switching from the fiat money to cryptocurrency or Bitcoin. And actually, there is no need for that in the same way that not all are into gold (considered as the most stable and popular asset). We just be contented that Bitcoin is doing good and slowly accepted alongside major fiat currencies because in my view we are not actually prepared yet to have one single currency the whole world will use. Just look at the complexity which Euro nations are facing because of its one single Euro currency, we don't want that problems to surface with Bitcoin.
Now, as far as inflation is concern, I think that nothing can ever stop this happening as inflation can affect all economies no matter what type one's economy is. Prices have this ability to rise even if there will be controls in place...time will eventually come when the dam could not contain the bursting energy inside. So what we have is controlled inflation with the use of many available intervention tools that the state has on its hands.
Can Bitcoin stop inflation? Many are assuming that it can since as an asset Bitcoin is deflationary but that is assuming that it got a good price (just like what we have today) otherwise it can be the opposite. With Bitcoin limited in supplies and definitely nothing more than 21 million can be minted, it is assumed that its value vis-à-vis the dollar (or any fiat for that matter) will be increasing and because of that you can buy more and not less (less as the reality with the fiat money as central banks keep on printing more).
Now, these are the complex situations, concerns and ideas on how Bitcoin will behave if it can be a global currency really in use by billions and most of our thoughts can just be theoretical as we can only learn what happened after something has already occurred.