
Topic: STRATIS Pumping careful - page 2. (Read 2994 times)

full member
Activity: 644
Merit: 100
October 13, 2017, 02:57:35 PM
Stratis is already too high. I dont thin its going to pump again in one year. Stratis has given 600x againt dollar from its initial ico price. Its time to o5her alt coin to pump. I think next altcoin to get pump is cindicator. It is very good fundamental project.and really usefull for trade.
And even if it pumps it is not going to be anything close to what the early investors already got, when I see a coin that already pumped like that I just move on, there is no point in investing in a coin like that, you are just going to lose your money, especially if you invest right now with the current price that is too high.

strat and waves are so same.

i am hodler of these coins. and everyday i swear to this situation.

i think best is buy sell for these coins.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 254
October 13, 2017, 12:27:39 PM
Stratis is already too high. I dont thin its going to pump again in one year. Stratis has given 600x againt dollar from its initial ico price. Its time to o5her alt coin to pump. I think next altcoin to get pump is cindicator. It is very good fundamental project.and really usefull for trade.
And even if it pumps it is not going to be anything close to what the early investors already got, when I see a coin that already pumped like that I just move on, there is no point in investing in a coin like that, you are just going to lose your money, especially if you invest right now with the current price that is too high.
full member
Activity: 252
Merit: 100
October 12, 2017, 07:37:55 PM
thanks for informations i wish i could see it earlier. i loved stratis but i lost my trust 1 month ago. there isnt any development. things are going realy slow. probably i won't buy it again.
full member
Activity: 254
Merit: 100
October 12, 2017, 04:40:04 PM

Thank you for your research on Stratis. It will save me a lot of time when I'm doing my own. Now I've already cooled down on quite a lot about the option of investing in Stratis...

Happy you didn't lose any money.  Enough research probably shows most coins are scams or vaporware.  Nobody has enough time to research them all so it'd be great if people share their research.  Anytime you do that you get called out for creating FUD which is sad.  

Sure someone is making a ton of money when a shitty coin pumps but someone is also going to be losing a ton of money.   I can't  believe this coin had a BILLLION dollar marketcap in June  Shocked 
hero member
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October 09, 2017, 01:17:57 PM
Good points, but careful you do not read too much into them. If you look hard enough for something, you will easily equate facts as evidence to support what you want to find. Objectively, some of these points should be a red flag, but if you look at some of the alts we all know and take to be "good", they share some of the traits. Leaders with lots of fluff. Check. Only 1 or 2 devs. Check. Constant delay on roadmap objectives, and then conveniently forgetting, check.
sr. member
Activity: 840
Merit: 254
October 09, 2017, 01:04:51 PM
I cannot tell if this is FUD or legit....straits was always one of my go to coins but its performing like shit lately

I'll be watching this thread
It is easy to discern FUD from legit concerns, most FUD has no backing or a research done, its just a person or group of persons trying to manipulate the market, I think the OP is just concerned about this that is all, the points that he brings are good and should be noted by someone that wants to invest in this coin.
sr. member
Activity: 537
Merit: 250
October 09, 2017, 11:12:21 AM
I've never looked at Stratis like this. Interesting indeed.

Edit: I have just read the info here -

I tried to paste it in their Slack to get some devs to answer it but the Slack seems to have banned the pasting of that link....

RED FLAG for me.
full member
Activity: 140
Merit: 100
October 08, 2017, 03:44:58 PM
With the Chinese stance on ICO bringing down Chinese smartcontract platforms, it seems that people have found a reason to pump Stratis.  I'd be really careful - posted some of this before in other forums.

  • For a C# smart contract platform (using a language that a ton of people already know well), development community and technical talk in forums is non-existent (look at early Ethereum technical discussions in reddit, there is NOTHING anywhere for Stratis)
  • the CEO talks a lot of fluff and provides virtually zero technical knowledge
  • there seem to be like maybe 1-2 developers behind it, that's it
  • the full node has been downloaded maybe by a dozen people, total number of downloads for all versions is tiny for a top #20 crypto
  • virtually non-existent communication from the development team
  • a lot of non-technical people who seem to have bought it pumping it with fluff articles, blogs and youtube video
  • Hype about releasing Breeze Wallet pumps up the price months back, then never released, then release hype then delay, months later we get hype again

Also this guy did a really good research on a lot of red flags with Stratis, you should read it:

Thank you for your research on Stratis. It will save me a lot of time when I'm doing my own. Now I've already cooled down on quite a lot about the option of investing in Stratis...
full member
Activity: 434
Merit: 100
October 02, 2017, 10:29:55 PM
Stratis is already too high. I dont thin its going to pump again in one year. Stratis has given 600x againt dollar from its initial ico price. Its time to o5her alt coin to pump. I think next altcoin to get pump is cindicator. It is very good fundamental project.and really usefull for trade.
full member
Activity: 254
Merit: 100
October 02, 2017, 09:57:49 PM
The price of Stratis has been hit pretty hard the past month or so and this is not a pump.  It's just a natural price increase since it is very undervalued.  It has yet to pump and is destined to when the releases are out.  Better get back in if you sold at the bottom.  Stratis is the future!

Hope you enjoyed your natural price increase  Roll Eyes  I think people need to read Theymos list of coins with some technical merit.

The list is pretty much empty.  He doesn't have time to research it all but every time you look deep into a coin it's either:

  • Pump and Dump
  • Vaporware
  • Hype and Speculation based on a tech that can't deliver
  • Riding the coattails of Bitcoin's success
hero member
Activity: 784
Merit: 500
September 11, 2017, 05:03:42 AM
Everyone says that the price of Stratis will rise but on the contrary, Stratis is experiencing a steady decline.

I'm starting to lose confidence in Stratis. I do not think you will make a profit in the short term, but the long term will be profitable in Stratis like many coins.
full member
Activity: 211
Merit: 100
September 11, 2017, 03:14:43 AM
I cannot tell if this is FUD or legit....straits was always one of my go to coins but its performing like shit lately

I'll be watching this thread
Come on, just take a look at their website and the info they offer.  I think the only thing that helps them going is good marketing. They offer a light technical details presentation which explains what blockchain is and how mining and proof of stake works. They don't say a thing which makes them different from bunch of other coins. Oh, and they name Poloniex, Chengelly and Bittrex their partners, but come on, these are just exchange websites that accept the coin, I don't think it is really what should be called partnership.
The only thing I dont like on stratis website is not enough tutorial for this coin. Even it have many language
Activity: 3248
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September 11, 2017, 02:43:36 AM
I cannot tell if this is FUD or legit....straits was always one of my go to coins but its performing like shit lately

I'll be watching this thread
Come on, just take a look at their website and the info they offer.  I think the only thing that helps them going is good marketing. They offer a light technical details presentation which explains what blockchain is and how mining and proof of stake works. They don't say a thing which makes them different from bunch of other coins. Oh, and they name Poloniex, Chengelly and Bittrex their partners, but come on, these are just exchange websites that accept the coin, I don't think it is really what should be called partnership.
sr. member
Activity: 532
Merit: 250
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September 10, 2017, 11:29:03 PM
You always need to be careful of every altcoin. All the owners and founders want to do is convince you to buy their coin and soon enough they will dump theirs and essentially stealing your money from you.
Activity: 16
Merit: 0
September 10, 2017, 11:18:35 PM
The price of Stratis has been hit pretty hard the past month or so and this is not a pump.  It's just a natural price increase since it is very undervalued.  It has yet to pump and is destined to when the releases are out.  Better get back in if you sold at the bottom.  Stratis is the future!

we have heard this so many times on numerous threads, on their slack and lot of other places but when will this ever happen?
this coin is going nowhere. i personally hold lot of stratis but i will never sell in loss so just waiting to even out so i can invest into some other profitable and productive projects/coins.
Activity: 1932
Merit: 1003
September 10, 2017, 11:11:24 PM
The price of Stratis has been hit pretty hard the past month or so and this is not a pump.  It's just a natural price increase since it is very undervalued.  It has yet to pump and is destined to when the releases are out.  Better get back in if you sold at the bottom.  Stratis is the future!
sr. member
Activity: 700
Merit: 250
September 10, 2017, 11:09:21 PM
Stratis is one of the coins I had been holding on to for a couple of months but lately I'm having doubts with this coins. Its like it is not going anywhere, but I still hold on to the hopes of this coin to pump sooner. Waiting for something better though.
sr. member
Activity: 340
Merit: 250
September 10, 2017, 10:58:43 PM
So Stratis starts going up...and what happens. Some newbie on the forum suddenly appears to "warn people". Out of the goodness of his heart. Who believes such crap?  Roll Eyes

the world is full of deceitful people and some of them are whales who open sock puppet accounts so they can FUD and buy low.

Who really believes that newbies  just appear out of nowhere with only other peoples good at heart?
Activity: 34
Merit: 0
September 10, 2017, 10:47:46 PM

  • there seem to be like maybe 1-2 developers behind it, that's it
  • a lot of non-technical people who seem to have bought it pumping it with fluff articles, blogs and youtube video

I agree with these, I'm not sure about the others.
really. how 2 dev can do a lot of thing @.@
Activity: 2576
Merit: 1860
September 10, 2017, 10:42:35 PM

  • there seem to be like maybe 1-2 developers behind it, that's it
  • a lot of non-technical people who seem to have bought it pumping it with fluff articles, blogs and youtube video

I agree with these, I'm not sure about the others.

These are all pretty normal. These are legitimate strategies that developers of a certain project or coin can use to boost their coin's value. At the end of the day, Stratis remains to be a good project. This is not a shitcoin unlike so many others out there. Moreover, this is not a pump and dump coin either. I am trusting Stratis!
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